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  1. Muraco

    More advice needed

    The other bro's are right. If you are determined to do only one shot per week, go with Sus250, either the Cytahoh brand amps or the Jelfa Omnadren amps. I have made great gains myself in the past off one amp of Sus250 per week, even training for a competition with this small amount. Good luck!
  2. Muraco

    just abs from recent photo shoot 1 week out

    YEAH! Rock hard! Looks awesome! Good luck! I am three weeks out, and that just motivates me to get more shredded! Thanks, bro!
  3. Muraco

    this is going to be my first competition and i am SCARED!!

    The Orange County Classic will be at the Cook Auditorium in Anaheim on April 26th. Pre-judging at 11-am, finals at 7:30pm. Just look for the heavy metal dude with the long hair. Thats me!
  4. Muraco

    this is going to be my first competition and i am SCARED!!

    I'll be doing the Orange County on April 26th! Heavyweight class men's open. Maybe see some of you southern Ca. bro's there.
  5. Muraco

    this is going to be my first competition and i am SCARED!!

    You're doing great, bro, but i would drop one session of cardio right now, you don't want to burn out too soon. Depending on your bodyfat right now (in some of your other posts it sounds like you're not too fat to begin with), try to time it out over the next 12 weeks. It will be PLENTY of...
  6. Muraco

    Post Contest

    I will take a week off in late May after all my shows are over, maybe two weeks. I have a few minor injuries from the daily workouts: shoulders, wrists, knees, etc. My right shoulder has been killin' me lately! During my off-season, which is most of the year, every-other-meal is a junk meal...
  7. Muraco

    Great Read from Skip

    Superb, bro! Thanks alot! I also believe in dieting this way. There are dudes at my gym, although top-notch competitors, that feel they really have to suffer and be super strict all those weeks leading up to the show. I think not! Many times I beat lots of guys who I know dieted way...
  8. Muraco

    contest prep time

    Yep, BStrong is correct. I am ectomorphic, and I respond well to heavy androgens while dieting to retain the muscle. In fact, I usually try hard to grow into a show, rather than diet down in bodyweight. Hey Ken69Dahl: Since you are in Seattle, will you be at the Emerald Cup this year? I...
  9. Muraco

    Contest Drugs??

    I am also using enanthate while cutting right now. Its great, and I'm using 750mg per week. No problems with water retension/bloating at all. I think it all depends on your physical "makeup" and genetics concerning how your body handles it. As Skip said in another thread, it doesn't really...
  10. Muraco

    60 killed at a Great White concert

    I saw Great White play in 2001 here in northern Ca. at the "Bone Bash" (sponsored by a local radio station called 107.7 The Bone), and they are still very good. They opened for Tesla & Ted Nugent. They played here again a few weeks ago at a small club called The Icon, but at the last minute I...
  11. Muraco


    Relax, bro! You have lots of time (eight weeks). Ditto what BSBWell said, plus try to gauge your progress day by day, as well as week-to-week. You don't want to peak out way too soon! I am currently 10 weeks out from my show, and had to carb up more this weekend because I was beginning to...
  12. Muraco

    your diet

    I'm also looking forward to seeing your diet! Thanks dpsquat!
  13. Muraco

    Clen for comp...

    In terms of the Clen, I have an unlimited supply. I will be relying on what I've read on these boards: 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. I don't know my limits yet, so that is why I'm probably going to experiment with it before hand. I'll be using Test Enanthate and Deca with it for the next 8 weeks...
  14. Muraco

    Clen for comp...

    My first comp for spring is three months away. If I've never used clen before for helping to shred, should I experiment with it a little bit now to get the hang of it? I've just started dieting down. How long should I be on it prior to my shows? I have roughly four shows for spring, each a...
  15. Muraco

    What juices work the best on a low cal and a very low carb diet.

    Are you dieting to compete in physique? If so, how much time do you have remaining? I will usually be dieting hard on the low-carb diet and using Sus 250, and that keeps on lots of mass. Then switch to Propionate the last 1-2 months or so. Anavar is also a good cutter, I've found, and you'll...
  16. Muraco

    Hello everyone and Fitness Board member call

    Muraco still here from Honolulu, Hawaii! Alooooooooooooohaaaaaaaaaa!
  17. Muraco

    cut or bulk up? what to do?

    The other bro's are correct, always bulk before cutting. However, keep in mind that several bodybuilders learned how to maintain or actually gain weight up to a competition (getting cut-up): Arnold, Cory Everson, and probably several of todays champs do as well. I remember a few local...
  18. Muraco

    Bay Area?

    Muraco is from the SJ area, via Honolulu, Hawaii.