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  1. M

    mcas igf so far..

    I try to eat organic as much as I can afford it. Rent Food Inc. And you might do organic also!. Btw ... is igf supposed to make u sweat a lot?
  2. M

    New Member- Introduction

    Welcome. This is an EXCELLENT board. Stay a'll learn a lot.
  3. M

    mcas igf so far..

    Kept my carb intake about the same and have not had any hypo issue. (1 cup organic oatmeal) Neolizard u should post new pics bro. Your result really inspired me.
  4. M


    Wtf that is some sick shat...
  5. M

    Your Halo experience

    M1t is no good for endurance from my experience.. I went from a half marathon runner's endurance to like a 10k. Aggression is pretty good on it though
  6. M

    mcas igf so far..

    My abs leaned out a bit after a week. That's no cardio! Oh yeah bumped to 50mcg after the first 2 days. No hypo issues since.
  7. M

    Clen question

    I got terrible cramps from it. And sometimes if I take too many drops it makes me feel like im on Meth.
  8. M

    Pic of Metal85

    Looking great bro
  9. M

    mcas igf so far..

    I aspirated.
  10. M

    mcas igf so far..

    I've noticed that an ab application from like 3 days ago is pretty bruised up. I wonder if a vain was hit or maybe a reaction to the aa.
  11. M

    cyber supplements M1T dosage?

    Start with 25mg for two weeks and watch for sides (back pumps and lethargy). Bump to 50mg after 2-3 weeks. Make sure you have liver care... and have adex and nova on hand for gyno. Clomid for pct. 6-8 weeks max I would say. Oh yeah . Check MCAS store for your AI's and pct products.
  12. M

    mcas igf so far..

    Applied to bi's today ... stung a bit but the pumps are great. Not as painful as everyone made it out to be...
  13. M

    Cyber Sale

    The m1T Is legit. Strength will go up bit watch for itchy nips.
  14. M

    smelly urine

    :thumbsup::thumbsup:I already taking it. Thanks saud.
  15. M

    smelly urine

    Thanks saud... think you are right. Is this a bad thing? Is my liver stressing?
  16. M

    smelly urine

    My urine has never smelled like this before. Its got kind of a bitter chemical smell. Could it be the igf, test e, or aromasin? Any help is appreciated!
  17. M

    Fucking Butt Pee!!

    Sounds like u had food poisoning. Was it a black butt pee of death? I've had a few of those lol.
  18. M

    mcas igf so far..

    Im going to stay at 30mcg. I forgot to carb up right after applying. Nothing a few oatmeal cookies couldn't fix
  19. M

    mcas igf so far..

    Whoa. Never felt anything quite like this.. already going hypo at 30mcg.