Your Halo experience


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I have been hearing some pretty cool shit, who has experience with this?
I love halos. They make me strong and harden me up. They can be pretty good and safe if you don't use them every day. My doc had me on 50mg on weekdays then I was off on the weekends. I'd still be on it now except that the U.S. manufacturer is having problems so all the pharmacies ran out.
I love halos. They make me strong and harden me up. They can be pretty good and safe if you don't use them every day. My doc had me on 50mg on weekdays then I was off on the weekends. I'd still be on it now except that the U.S. manufacturer is having problems so all the pharmacies ran out.

the doctor gave them to ya for TRT ? or what ? I want your

and at a dose of 50mg, you should get crazy strong, and hard as steel...

Ive done some from mexico pharm, they were the 2.5mg tabs, so I did 4 tabs to get 10mg total. Only did that for precontest the final 10 days. It does harded me up, alot. But I broke out pretty bad to...Ofcourse, it was over 12-13 years ago, in my mid twenty's...
damn I want that doc too! does it really give the aggression they say and endurance? bc that sounded the coolest to me. I have read its great for MMA bc you will be so aggressive and like the energizer bunny
damn I want that doc too! does it really give the aggression they say and endurance? bc that sounded the coolest to me. I have read its great for MMA bc you will be so aggressive and like the energizer bunny

Hey bro, if you need aggression Halo is good, but M1T is good for that to. It seems to give most people that ready to tear up the gym attutude. Also, TNE/Dbol blends that are common now, seem to give out a intense effect for training.
cool bro thanks, is it true for endurance too?

well for the M1T im not sure, someone else will have to answer that. The TNE/dbol seems to really get me up for training, not sure for endurance...because im in a different sport and training only takes me about 50 mins or so. I'd say, thru out training im good, and my endurance is very good. But for fighting, im not sure...
M1t is no good for endurance from my experience.. I went from a half marathon runner's endurance to like a 10k. Aggression is pretty good on it though
Metal, why do you need aggression? Isn't having been born with a micro penis enough to piss you off?
the doctor gave them to ya for TRT ? or what ? I want your

and at a dose of 50mg, you should get crazy strong, and hard as steel...

Ive done some from mexico pharm, they were the 2.5mg tabs, so I did 4 tabs to get 10mg total. Only did that for precontest the final 10 days. It does harded me up, alot. But I broke out pretty bad to...Ofcourse, it was over 12-13 years ago, in my mid twenty's...

Yep, he likes to go through both an oral and injectable route, feels it's more effective.
Metal, why do you need aggression? Isn't having been born with a micro penis enough to piss you off?

harharhar use A joke used on me that I used on nair months and months ago, you can just tell me im your inspiration