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  1. Glen Whitestone


    I have my woman moving in with me soon. It will be a good help, she won't be a housewife type, she works so she agreed to help with some of my bills. Now the only problem I have is she does not know about my activities. For Christs sake she ridicules my use of suppliments! Now, what do I do...
  2. Glen Whitestone

    Paging Glen Whitestone

    Hey, thats okay in my book. I find my views to be what the modern world needs. I am surprised there are so many folks in this country that are so simple minded.
  3. Glen Whitestone

    What steroids have you roleplayed with?

    Yea, the andriol did not work to well so I also used some anadrol50 with them.
  4. Glen Whitestone

    Paging Glen Whitestone

    No, I was beat by strait parents however. No hard feelings though, I gotta admit I was a little bastard for the most part. Or come to think of it, I only started to be a little bastard in High School. Maybe it would not have happened if I was spared the abuse when I was younger? Oh, well, I...
  5. Glen Whitestone

    Paging Glen Whitestone

    Go for it. I am a liberal, spirtual but not bound to religion to spoil my point of view. I think companies should be free to say they do not want their employees to use it and test for it. I would not smoke the weed personally, that's just me, never did enjoy it. But legalize it with...
  6. Glen Whitestone

    Paging Glen Whitestone

    That's all I have to say about that I am afraid. Gays do not bother me as long as they keep to them selves. I am not a homophobe except when one starts talking to me and I could tell or think hes one, I try to distance myself. If they want to adopt a kid I don't care. I think it is better to...
  7. Glen Whitestone

    Paging Glen Whitestone

    Welfare now, well lets see, it's a much needed service. Too bad there are so many other things that need monitoring in this country. Hell, all agencies that are monitored keep screwing up. I think most of the people out there who need it get it. Too many loop holes. I am not going to judge...
  8. Glen Whitestone

    What steroids have you roleplayed with?

    Winstrol depo, Primobolin, Durabol, methadrostanalone, sustanon 250, and andriol.
  9. Glen Whitestone

    How safe is this?

    I doubt this works dude. Methoxyisoflavones have never been tested on humans. They base their claim that the flavone produced weight gain in some species of commercial livestock. I have fucked around with some just for the hell of it and saw no results. Remember since these products are not...
  10. Glen Whitestone

    Bird Flu

    I am not worried about it. Screw it, what the hell am I going to do about it anyway. Hope that vaccine hits the market soon. Otherwise there is always something new out there to scare every generation. People need fear, they dig these stories up all the time about shit whether or not it be...
  11. Glen Whitestone

    Paging Glen Whitestone

    Gaylord Perry? Or do you mean homosexuals? I take it you mean the latter. Well, I know a high school teacher, she tells me it's the new hip thing going on in the schools. I could care less really. The way I see it if a dude is gay that means there is one more potential woman out there for...
  12. Glen Whitestone

    "Gay is the new straight."

    Well, this here is your basic Vietnam jungle boot. Good for running through the mud and stompin' queers although when your done you have to clean the waffle out with a stick.
  13. Glen Whitestone

    whos your dream girl

    I have a dream girl but she is not that of show business. I see that as a corruption. I hate nothing more than a materialistic person. I worship women who are above that or have a good mind. It may sound crazy and un-guy like but my girl is enough for me. Then again I am not living in a...
  14. Glen Whitestone

    85 monte carlo 4.3L Tbi 3 speed.

    85 monte is a weak car my main man. Not to insult, the frame is just too heavy. The stock motor is a 305 which is greatly underpowered. I know you can fix that but the car is still a favorite with some racers. I like the 72 monte myself. The lines on that car are great. If you notice the...
  15. Glen Whitestone

    My transformation thus far

    You know what, your a pretty girl any way you look at it. You are better to be fit so that is good and I am sure you feel better too so congrats.
  16. Glen Whitestone

    Soft drinks and cancer

    Yes, I have heard that carbinated drinks can cause cancer to the esophagus. Cancer can be described as a cell mutation that may be cause by excess. Everything in excess it seems can lead to cancer. Its easy to say but so far it is just a cell mutation in many forms and it must be studied more...
  17. Glen Whitestone

    Alcohol and Training

    pjt is correct. This has been proven in studies that alcohol can reduce your strenth the next day. I will save you the scientific explanation. But hey alcohol can be fun and is a safe part of any diet if respected properly.
  18. Glen Whitestone

    Women for the right MAN!!

    Bill the Butcher or Jay Wooly!
  19. Glen Whitestone

    How do I know a slin pin?

    I am new to IGF. Know its time to get some pins, all I have of course is reqular points for gear. WHat do I look for and where can I go. What gauge do I want, lenth. That sort of crap. Help me out.
  20. Glen Whitestone

    Tackle Drunk Bi&ches

    I once had a midget named Mordicai in my basement who I would take and and beat when I was mad but he got away!