Paging Glen Whitestone

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Gaylord Perry? Or do you mean homosexuals? I take it you mean the latter. Well, I know a high school teacher, she tells me it's the new hip thing going on in the schools. I could care less really. The way I see it if a dude is gay that means there is one more potential woman out there for me. Now if I could only stop "punching the clown" and get with her that works out just fine. I really have to watch my mouth when beating people up these days too. Let one word slip and you have a hate crime on your hands. I hear the gays refer to us straits as "breeders" by the way, this bothers me greatly.
Glen Whitestone said:
Gaylord Perry? Or do you mean homosexuals? I take it you mean the latter. Well, I know a high school teacher, she tells me it's the new hip thing going on in the schools. I could care less really. The way I see it if a dude is gay that means there is one more potential woman out there for me. Now if I could only stop "punching the clown" and get with her that works out just fine. I really have to watch my mouth when beating people up these days too. Let one word slip and you have a hate crime on your hands. I hear the gays refer to us straits as "breeders" by the way, this bothers me greatly.

HOLY SHIT THAT WAS HILARIOUS. LMFAO...More, more...We need some more GW about your views on homosexuals.
That's all I have to say about that I am afraid. Gays do not bother me as long as they keep to them selves. I am not a homophobe except when one starts talking to me and I could tell or think hes one, I try to distance myself. If they want to adopt a kid I don't care. I think it is better to have the kid with a gay family who raises it right rather than a strait family who beats the shit out of it you know? One thing that does piss me off more are these religious nuts who parade outside soldiers funerals. They rally and hold up signs saying that God is letting the soldiers die in Iraq because this country supports gays. That shit is just ridiculous. I hope all their kids turn out to be gay!
LMFAO, that is great.

Were you adopted by gay parents?
No, I was beat by strait parents however. No hard feelings though, I gotta admit I was a little bastard for the most part. Or come to think of it, I only started to be a little bastard in High School. Maybe it would not have happened if I was spared the abuse when I was younger? Oh, well, I turned out alright, I am a home owner, dating a nice girl, in good shape, don't hurt small animals, that sort of thing.