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  1. MightyJohn

    Kevin Jordan Before and after

    It was like 2-3 Dante talked about it was DC style training
  2. MightyJohn

    Aaron Clark 7 weeks out

    He's young too a lot of potential
  3. MightyJohn

    Masteron enanthate????

    I loved mast E for hardening
  4. MightyJohn

    Eq ??

    This thread has Me wanting to throw EQ in on this cycle
  5. MightyJohn

    Hack squat / leg press i'm buying!

    That's awesome...I love Me some hack squats
  6. MightyJohn

    Drug Mimics benefits of exercise

    Just like the 20 week anadrol study 150mg drol/day for 20 weeks in no trained HIV patients gained 17lbs in those 20wks
  7. MightyJohn

    IFBB Mike Morris Interview Preview: Milos Sarcev’s Last Minute Chemical Prep

    Yeah he looks a bit different then back in the day...I know he had health problems, I remember him telling Me
  8. MightyJohn

    Steroids turned her into a man

    & change eye color
  9. MightyJohn

    liver pain

    When I had right side pain it was appendix...left was diverticulitus...both under ribcage
  10. MightyJohn

    Stopping from telling someone they are working out stupid is hard

    I give no advice and keep distance from the crossfit idiots
  11. MightyJohn

    Anadrol Dbol Sustanon 350 Question

    Who makes 10mg drol...never heard of that or is it liquid?
  12. MightyJohn

    Lee Priest New Pic

    I think he's getting ready for a non IFBB Pro show...I forget the sanction
  13. MightyJohn

    Pro bodybuilding to physique

    Can You blame him?
  14. MightyJohn

    Can you inject into the lats by yourself?

    It can be done...I can't do it but I saw someone Me and Presser know do it once...I was SHOCKED;o...b/c he friggin big
  15. MightyJohn

    400 mcg IGF

    There's a guy used to be on another board that uses 300-500mcg/day when using IGF applying it several times a day...he claims its awesome and runs very little gear for how big he is like 5'5 235 or something(with lots of pics backing it)
  16. MightyJohn

    Legit Riptropin??

    THey look good...You'll know right away the water retention is SERIOUS on those...labels and boxes are shipped seperate...the real ones have an imprint on the lid, bottle is bigger then Your typical generic GH
  17. MightyJohn

    Mexican Steroid...Why havent they made a come back?

    I used to LOVE TJ runs, $16 Brovel test bottles, $6 Sust preloads, $4 stenox boxes and $50 30cc winthrop winny
  18. MightyJohn

    High Concentrate Test

    Like someone sai it depends on the brand...I've used a painless brand of T400
  19. MightyJohn

    EQ vs. Tren

    I love, EQ but can't compare it to tren...I'm probably gonna do both for the summer
  20. MightyJohn

    One bad thing I see about the bikini divison

    Yeah I agree...causes occasional stage pollution