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  1. G

    MCT Oil, A Better Carrier Oil than GSO?

    MCT is nice that is true, looks cleaner, more transparent, GSO is also nice but you find different colours in the market. By 2cents goes for Safflower, it doesnt look transparent like MCT but a slightly yellow, and it give that feeling of nice gear. It is also nice, easy and fast to filter, i do...
  2. G

    Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

    Well is not a problem run tren without t3, but it will keep your levels more stable and also will help you to loose more fat[emoji1360][emoji1360] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. G

    Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

    If is your 1st is a bit much yeah i think. You dont know how those amount of deca/testo will hit your body. Also in a cycle maybe 80mcgr of igf1 is also a lot, in cycle i believe you dont need so much, around 40-50 will be ok. I am using now 50mcgr with my cycle and before i was doing pre-wo now...
  4. G

    Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

    If you allow me dude, extend the tren for min 8 weeks, preferebly i will do 10 weeks, you are just gonna cut it when you will start to see the nice results!! Hehehe. For the amount of testo/tren it is fine. Have you thought to add something else like bolde or maybe masteron if you are really low...
  5. G

    Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

    Imo dude you will need to really clean your liver with those amounts of winny for 6 weeks. Drink a lot of water or take something to keep your liver in a good status, it is gonna work a lot ehhehe. In your PCT, you need HCG. if is gonna be your 1st cycle, 500mg of testo/week you will need it...
  6. G

    Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

    NPP is really nice, in my case i didn't hold the water that deca holds. It is fine go same test/deca but i like more th protocol high test low deca o vce, just depend how your body reacts Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. G

    Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

    Heheh correct!! I am Spanish! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. G

    Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

    Amazing bro!! Well done!!! Now pin it and enjoy hehehhe Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. G

    Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

    12.5gr cyp; 1ml ba, 5-10ml BB(that will be between 10-20%), rest oil. I believe cyp@250mg no need more than 10% BB. For oil i will use Safflower/GSO or if you like a real almost cristal color, use MCT Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. G

    Second IGF-1 Lr3 Bulk Order .. AWESOME!

    No until the other day!![emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]i never injected nothing in biceps before. Now yeah!! I was usually doing in should when train arms and i really worked well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. G

    Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

    Imo for tren A keep the 20% BB. I had experiencies using less and it become less stable, just depending the normal temp of your country it can crash or not. If you leave in a cold country or temp goes down it will be suitable to crash so keep it at 20%. For the susta you can use 15% if you want...
  12. G

    Second IGF-1 Lr3 Bulk Order .. AWESOME!

    Hehehe niceee but dude, can you tell where/how inject in biceps? I would like to try that!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. G


    Hehehehehe. Interested and fucking me up. I also believe that fasted cardio is more effective, but i never tried to do it taking my breakfast, maybe something to experience by ourselves.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. G

    Shout out to MC and PRESSER

    +1 dude. Really amazing service and a very good guy! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. G

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 this is LEGIT

    Hehehe what a pitty dude! For me i always had good mod with tren, it never made me feel weird. In fact i am thinking to add something to this stack. I am thinking to add about 100mg tren a + 100mg testo p 2x week. I have a competition on 30 oct, so it will be for about 3-4 weeks max or maybe...
  16. G

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 this is LEGIT

    I am doing almost the same but just half if your amounts and adding tren e, ehhehe 50mcg bilateral 250 mg test cyp per week 200mg tren e per week 200mg mast e per week 600mg bolde per week 10ui hgh splitted in 2 times per day It is really working well! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    ey bigmills, i think you are refering to the CJC1295 No DAC due that this is the one that give the pulse, the one with DAC is the long one and it doesn't give the pump as the one without DAC. The advantage with DAC is that your gh levels remain higher for longer time, instead of a pulse that can...
  18. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    Yeah, perfectly. So is there where i usually inject, in the outside part! We are on the same boat, hehehehe Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    Sorry dude, i don't know what the Sweep is, i am not an English native speaker and i don't know that. I basically inject where my hand touch my leg when i leave it in a normal position. Lets say i inject in the middle of the external face of the leg