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  1. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    yeah sure!!! Today i believe i have to really have a better opinion. It is day legs, and noramlly when i inject IGF-1 in my legs, i finish my training an can not almost walk for the pump, ehehhehehehhe. Will post tonight or tomorrow :) Also this morning i forgot to inject the half dosis in the...
  2. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    Good morning guys. Well, yesterday i pinned 50mcgr pre-wo and i really had more than enough. Before i was using 80-100mcgr when i was not using hgh/peptides and cycle, so i will stay in that dosis, but i will change it a little bit. I am going to do 25mcgr in the morning to profit the food i...
  3. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    i also do it IM with a insulin syrenge, easy
  4. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    i used pre and post. I feel more or less the same in terms of its effects. I was using it between 80-1000mcgr. to be honest i used only 1 week post-workout and then 1 week pre. I like it much more pre due to amazing pumps you get using pre-wo than post-wo and also because inject it just in a...
  5. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    So i see some of you guys interested in follow this thread so i will try to update it as much as i can. To put all of you in situation this is what actually i am doing and what i started today: CYCLE: 250mg Testo Cyp 200mg Tren E 600mg Bolde U 200mg Masteron E PEPTIDES PROTOCOL: MORNING...
  6. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    As i understood peptides and hgh must be in split pins, like 20 min. To be sure i will use hex+cjc no dac and i will do cardio for 1h and then i will pin the hgh and it will not interfere with the pep. Igf1 i will use it pre-wo, as i like it more with a conservative dose if 40mcgr, as i am also...
  7. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    After did some research, looks like big amounts after shooting ghrh+ghrp can produce gh bleed, but i believe i am gonna try and experience it so i will be able to tell later my experience Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. G

    Hot to combine HGH + Peptides + IGF1

    Well, so in about 5 weeks i will have a competition. Actually i am doing the next: 6ui hgh am and 4 ui evening 40mcg IGF1 pre-workout bi-lateral injection in muscles that i am gonna train As a roids i am using test cyp+tren e+mast e+ bolde Recently i got some peptides: cjc1295 no dac...
  9. G

    test p and tren a @125mg/ml brewing

    eyy deepak, i have no idea in how much your normal testo will increase. It will also depend of the quality of your raws i guess
  10. G

    test p and tren a @125mg/ml brewing

    Ok, so with those concentrations i think it is ok and it will not crash. Have in mind that if your body doesn't react well to EO, you are fuck with 50% of EO. i made test p and tren a at 100mg/ml with 2%BA and 20%BB and it holds without any problem in GSO or Safflower. To be sure you could use...
  11. G

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 this is LEGIT

    Good to know. I've started a cycle this week so i will reduce the dosis to 30mcgr too. Thanks for that dude! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. G

    MC IGF-1 Lr3 this is LEGIT

    and why so low dose of igf1?? Better doing a cycle lower the dose?
  13. G

    Cycle Critique (After 10 yrs of training)

    Yeah exactly it will be good to use after unfreezer, that is the reason to put them in the freezer, to keep the good until we have to use them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. G

    test p and tren a @125mg/ml brewing

    You mean 250mg/ml (125mg each) as a blend mix or just 125mg/ml of each hormone in different vials? About the blend i am not sure if it will hold, probably it will, and about in different vials it will also hold even without the EO Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. G

    Cycle Critique (After 10 yrs of training)

    Is also fine 750ui, but for the amount of testo you are gonna use i think 500ui should be fine, but use 750ui if you want. Respect the way i used i really recommended it to you, you do all syrenges in 1 time and to the frezeer. You know that hcg with bac water will be stable max 5-7 day i...
  16. G

    Cycle Critique (After 10 yrs of training)

    Imo 400mg is not enough, as you are gonna do 500 test e, i will bring up the bolde at 600mg, but that is up to you. Respect hcg i used both ways and for me the best is 500ui/week in 2 injections during the week. I normally take a 5000ui ampul and filled with 2ml of bac water. One time mixed i...
  17. G

    Need Members Help ASAP. Please Read

    Looking good for me. Iphone 6 Plus Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. G

    HGH combine with MC IGF-1

    ey gandhisays, thanks for your answer dude. I didn't think to log results and experiencies, but you gave me a good idea, i am gonna do that. At the moment i am only using hgh + t4 + igf1. I will stop the use of them for 2 weeks that i go on holidays and i can not take them with me. When i am...
  19. G

    filtration help needed please

    I recommend you use a glass fliltration system, you can get easily in aliexpress. You can get a hand pump or an electrict pump, i had both and i really have to say that the electric one is worth the money. Respect sterilization i clean them first with antibacterial soap and hot water, later i...
  20. G

    HGH combine with MC IGF-1

    Ok guys, thanks to everyone for your answers. I can afford both of them and i think i will give them a try. HGH morning and afternoon 2ui each time and IGF1 preworkout at 80mcgr