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  1. G

    Amazing IGF1 LR3 ever!!

    yesterday i did 30mcgr in each shoulder.....i've never ever had that pumps. it was unbelievable!!Even a guy fromt he gym come tu me and said, "ey man you have very good shoulers" ahahha. Really i am freaking out with the pump it is giving me. But i am more looking forward at the en of a month or...
  2. G

    Amazing IGF1 LR3 ever!!

    well, after being on this staff for 5 days, not continuos, this morning doing cardio, my legs where even pumping a lot!!, really is insane the pump that it gives to you, hehehehe, let's see today shoulder and back workout, i am scared!ahahahha
  3. G

    Amazing IGF1 LR3 ever!!

    Well, i used at this moment only 4 times in workout days taking it pre-WO. i can say that i was freaking out how hard my muscles got. Never before i had this hardness in my muscles. I am taking 60mcgr bilateral injection pre-WO and simple is amazing. I am also in in a cycle of bolde/susta/tren e...
  4. G

    Lottery Winner Announcement For October ……..Congrats to MuscleChemistry Member…….

    fucking asshole!!!!ahahhahahah. Enjoy that igf1LR3 bro!!
  5. G

    IGF-1 pre-workout

    that is what i wanna find out. i still don't have the IGF-1, hope soon and start, heheheh
  6. G

    IGF-1 pre-workout

    well, MC IGF1 arrived to my country, waiting custom to release it ejehhehe and iw ill start the protocol
  7. G

    Masteron (Drostanolone) - do you use it?

    ehhehe, nice!! i think i will go test prop + mast prop 100mg or 150mg each eod with winny 75 eod, let's see how my cycle finishes!. Will update results and impressions!
  8. G

    Blends vs individual compounds

    i tried before, not so many times, but since i brew my own steroids, i prefer take each component and mix them in the same syringe. At the end is the same. When you brew them, you have to be careful using the neccesary BB and the correct amounts to get the oil stable and don't crash. Also blends...
  9. G

    Masteron (Drostanolone) - do you use it?

    i am planning to use it after my cycle of suste, bolde and tren e, the idea is the last 4-6 week do test prop + maste prop +winny, it hope it will give me a hard and nice look and vascularity. Let's see, i only tried before and for 3 weeks only
  10. G

    Landmark Steroid Powders

    it looks nice bro!, yeah maybe a bit dark, with GSO normally it came a little bit lighter, but don't worry about that. Now leave it rest for some days and pin it,ehehhe and let's see your feeling. Thanks for the update :P
  11. G

    Landmark Steroid Powders

    so i hope you have a good time brewing bro!ehehhe. I tried QR last time and i can say that they have very good products, maybe a bit more expensive than other, but very good
  12. G

    Landmark Steroid Powders

    thanks for your comment, please can you update us when you used the products?
  13. G

    IGF-1 pre-workout

    for sure i will keep posting and update this combo results. The only thing i still have doubts is taking it pre-workout which kind of carbs and how much quantity should i take and when, anyone of you guys can give me an idea?? thanks!
  14. G

    IGF-1 pre-workout

    eswol bro!, i didn't have any doubt about where to order MC IGF1 i the best reviewed IGF1 i saw around all internet an other boards. I ordered from them, ehhehe. Let's see when it arrives to Europe if customs stop it or not or ask for taxes...i hope no!Waiting like crazy for that IGF1!!!
  15. G

    IGF-1 pre-workout

    ehhehe, i am IN. Just order 2 vials to Europe. I am waiting like crazy to try it, ehheheh. I will do pre-workout and IM bilateral in the muscles i will workout. During my workout should i take a shake of bcaa+protein and about the carbs?from a juice maybe? i don't have really clear that part...
  16. G

    Landmark Steroid Powders

    so at the was the quality of Landmark? tell us your experience
  17. G

    IGF-1 pre-workout

    heheheh, thanks all of you for your answers guys!! I will try it pre-workout and post-workout and i'll let you know my experience. As i read "studies" said that better take it post-workout for the ability to full the cells after the workout, and that make them grow, but all of you report insane...
  18. G

    IGF-1 pre-workout

    Hi guys, I am gonna order this week some IGF-1 to give it a try but i think i will really love it. i know more or less the protocol to use it after workout, just pinned after workout and take a protein shake made with a simple carb based liquid and after that in 30min to 60min aprox a whole...
  19. G

    HGH Fragment 176-191

    Hi guys, I am curious if someone of you tried this peptide before. As i read looks great and can provide noticeable fat loss and it is not really expensive at all. Does someone of your had experiences with it? As i read it should be used around 250mcg 2-3x day. Before breakfast and got o do...
  20. G

    My Brew Process

    i think your process is ok bro. Normally i don't warm powder with BA and BB, just mixed until it can't dissolve anymore, after i add a little bit o warm oil and continue stirring the solution, one time is everything well mixed, i add the rest of the oil and continue stirring. After the...