IGF-1 pre-workout


New member
Hi guys,

I am gonna order this week some IGF-1 to give it a try but i think i will really love it. i know more or less the protocol to use it after workout, just pinned after workout and take a protein shake made with a simple carb based liquid and after that in 30min to 60min aprox a whole food meal with complex carbs and real protein. But i didn't read a lot about pre-workout. When to pin it and what to eat drink during the workout, can you guy give me some advices with that. Which method do you use?

Giru I don't have a lot of personal experience with IGF-1 myself so I will bump this up and let someone with direct knowledge pass it on to you.
I take my igf 30-45 minutes prior to training, followed by my carbs, i usually eat 4-6 packs of instant flavored oatmeal, then during my workout i try to drink a 50/50 protein/carb drink, then post workout, i cram as much protein into my body as humanly possible!!!

thats how i do it brutha, and the pumps are fucking insane,
I take my IGF fasted in the morning about half hour before workout, no shakes or carb drinks prior then post workout I make a 50/50 shake followed by a meal half hour after shake. I've done it pre and post and really like pre the best, my 2 cents.
I take half hour pre workout and protein banana shake midway the work out and the pumps and vascularity r similar as I have on EQ cycle
heheheh, thanks all of you for your answers guys!! I will try it pre-workout and post-workout and i'll let you know my experience. As i read "studies" said that better take it post-workout for the ability to full the cells after the workout, and that make them grow, but all of you report insane pumps taking it pre-workout.... so the thing is nut pumps vs cells growing? Also if IGF-1 LR3 stay for long in the body.....it doesn't really matter when to use it, but if using it pre it gives you also good pumps.......Looks the way to go, hehehehhe

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heheheh, thanks all of you for your answers guys!! I will try it pre-workout and post-workout and i'll let you know my experience. As i read "studies" said that better take it post-workout for the ability to full the cells after the workout, and that make them grow, but all of you report insane pumps taking it pre-workout.... so the thing is nut pumps vs cells growing? Also if IGF-1 LR3 stay for long in the body.....it doesn't really matter when to use it, but if using it pre it gives you also good pumps.......Looks the way to go, hehehehhe


you are correct in that its long acting and will work regardless of what time you take it, so long as you eat and train properly! This is why so many people swear by taking it so many different ways, it simply works around the clock , so it doesn't matter, but I've found that i like it before thy gym myself
If you do take it pre workout and inject into the muscle follow everyone advise above. If you plan on pinning sub q I have found that it takes a little longer. I like to take it subq 2-3 hours before my workout.
ehhehe, i am IN. Just order 2 vials to Europe. I am waiting like crazy to try it, ehheheh. I will do pre-workout and IM bilateral in the muscles i will workout. During my workout should i take a shake of bcaa+protein and about the carbs?from a juice maybe? i don't have really clear that part.

Protocol i will follow:
100mcgr CJC no DAC + 100mcgr GHRP-2 AM + 20 min later 3ui Genotropin, then 45-50 min cardio in fasting

30 min before workout, 60mcgr(will bit a bit increase until 100mcgr) bilateral injection in the muscle i will workout. During workout shake of bcaa+protein and thinking about carbs....

100mcgr CJC no DAC + 100mcgr GHRP-2 Post-Workout, after 30 min my meal
100mcgr CJC no DAC + 100mcgr GHRP-2, pre-bed

Also i am in a cycle now, still 6 weeks to finish, susta+bolde+tren e

Let's see the results!
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best results are better if you order MC IGF, just saying, to get the best results you have to use the best IGF.....don't just take my word for it....read thousands of reviews.....ordering from a unknown source is a little sketcy.....if you want a for srue thing, use MC IGF.....other than that, good luck to you Giru. keep us updated on results....
eswol bro!, i didn't have any doubt about where to order MC IGF1 i the best reviewed IGF1 i saw around all internet an other boards. I ordered from them, ehhehe. Let's see when it arrives to Europe if customs stop it or not or ask for taxes...i hope no!Waiting like crazy for that IGF1!!!
keep us updated with your results, interested in hearing about your IGF use.....thanks!!
for sure i will keep posting and update this combo results. The only thing i still have doubts is taking it pre-workout which kind of carbs and how much quantity should i take and when, anyone of you guys can give me an idea??

for sure i will keep posting and update this combo results. The only thing i still have doubts is taking it pre-workout which kind of carbs and how much quantity should i take and when, anyone of you guys can give me an idea??

Bumped for knowledge
well, MC IGF1 arrived to my country, waiting custom to release it ejehhehe and iw ill start the protocol
heheheh, thanks all of you for your answers guys!! I will try it pre-workout and post-workout and i'll let you know my experience. As i read "studies" said that better take it post-workout for the ability to full the cells after the workout, and that make them grow, but all of you report insane pumps taking it pre-workout.... so the thing is nut pumps vs cells growing? Also if IGF-1 LR3 stay for long in the body.....it doesn't really matter when to use it, but if using it pre it gives you also good pumps.......Looks the way to go, hehehehhe


Something to think about.....Yes IGF-1 LR3 does fuel cells, yes it works both pre/post workouts. So is the workout pump important or fueling (pushing protein/carbs/BCAA's/ect) into your muscle cells?
I still take it before the gym! And Have not taken shit in a good while and cant wait to see how i respond. Longest break ive ever taken in all honesty!

Anyhow, I was browsing google info and ran into this igf post from our site and thought i would bump it up