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    What Does Anavar Oxandrolone Powder Look Like, Taste, Smell Like, with Photo Pictures

    Very good looking pic. Var typically should be a white to off white crystalline powder . Personally I feel like better raw will be more crystalline in texture but I have had some that was powdery and still good but I guess it's possible it was something else. But I have some I will add a pic...
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    Cloudy gear.

    It either wasn't originally heated to the right temp to get it into solution or wasn't filtered well but even not filtering well it shouldng be cloudy. If its bottles already put a pin in the stopper not touching the oil to act as a vent. If it's in the oi. Or you don't use one the top will...
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    Not one to make threads but need some opinions???

    Lol thanks any way presser. Maybe just need a little more time. I know I have a hard time gmgetting spare time. I'm thinking it's water soluble so I should be ok on bac watr. I'll just try a little and see. I guess it's time to expiriment . Thanks for bumping.
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    Not one to make threads but need some opinions???

    Ok so I'm not big on posting threads. I've been brewing for at least 12 years but probably more like 15 and I'm not bragging or thinking I am any better than anyone because believe me I've fucked up everything you can lol. So I have a buddy who wants injectable DHEA, why, because if you read...
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    Have any of you guys tried homebrewing coq10 or other vitamins/amino acids, etc?

    Actually things like dhea,pregnenolone and gluathoime are substantially more effective as injectibLE which leads me to a question but ill post a thread.
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    Test suspension recipe help

    Yea I'm lost as well. Likevstated I'm sure there is a recipe but this ish what you can do. I can't remember exact amounts off the top off my head so I'm guessing avec I know it's close. 20ml suspension at 20ml. I make this only in 20 or 30ml vials no breakers. 1. Keep a clean bottle no...
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    Oral Liquid Recipes

    Just go with the Humco Syrpalta or cherry simple syrup. These are used for pharmacy oral suspensIons. Just sd d raw and shake. Dosing is dead on. I guess if you wanted to be sure it stayed that way and no shaking maybe add a small amount of surfactant but honestly it likekybhas it in there abd...
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    Yea it's still around. Adrol for me has been a funny compound to put into oil. I have done it at 50mg on its own. It was Brown after being filtered thru a .22, that being said I agree the compounds don't really match very well. I have become very good at making tne, T Suspension, Dbol oil based...
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    Help with bottle top filter!!

    Beast a 45 micron is smaller than any bacteria particle size so you are correct you won't get any bacteria in your brew using a .45. But there are viruses and those are smaller than .45 but larger than a 22 micron. Which leaves microbes. If you have a good pump you can get a .1 micro filter and...
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    Help with bottle top filter!!

    If you are using handpumpps you need to use whatman zapcaps, they are excellent no breaking no leaks, they have discontinued the line of filters but there are so many available you will likely be able to get them for another year or so.
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    Muscle-Depot Reviews

    And I say do a melting point and then try it. I can promise MD would try to scam. He handed me an amount of something worth a lot on good faith.
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    muscle depot powder review

    And I say do a melting point and then try it. I can promise MD would try to scam. He handed me an amount of something worth a lot on good faith.
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    Muscle-Depot Reviews

    I agree. Listen im not claiming to be an expert on anything or a know it all and looking at names most of you probably don't know me at all. I have yet to purchase MD raw. What I can say is again I have used his tabs, EC line and they were not only legit but very good. Thanks again MD and I...
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    muscle depot powder review

    I agree. Listen im not claiming to be an expert on anything or a know it all and looking at names most of you probably don't know me at all. I have yet to purchase MD raw. What I can say is again I have used his tabs, EC line and they were not only legit but very good. Thanks again MD and I...
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    Hot plate recommendations

    Pristi good advice. You might as well get the hot plate and magnetic stirred which I beleivr the link covered that. Just check pricing and reviews. EBay and such is a good place but don't buy used and be careful because they will advertise a brand name and you will receive a generic look a like...
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    Hot plate recommendations

    There are too many just find one priced right and try to find some reviews ahead of time
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    Exemestane recipe?

    The bidding sites sell it as well but you may pay a little more the site listed above will be pith of stock a lot of times but that's who I go thru.
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    Exemestane recipe?

    Nice. How did u like it with the surpalta? I love the stuff. A simple way that taste like sugar is pure glycerine and I can get that ar most stores. Just same method but I will use a heat gu or hair dryer to warm the liquid when first making it because glycerine can become thick and it will...
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    Anybody have a recipe for TNE at 100mg/ml that wont crash? Please help!

    I have a painless suspension recipe I made thats absolutely painless at 100mg/mL. I'll get it for you and it easy to make in a legal country of course. I tell ya, i,'ve found if you make like 30 to 50mlin vials at a time they turn out better. Winny oil gave me a hard time at first and I got that...
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    Anybody have a recipe for TNE at 100mg/ml that wont crash? Please help!

    Sorry fellas I'm having a hard time postic a pic on taptalk. It goes to 70% the quits?? Any ideas?