Muscle-Depot Reviews

winny is a powder like flour, Var is a granular off white substance with a slight powdered content and has no smell.
Very distinct differences
winny is a powder like flour, Var is a granular off white substance with a slight powdered content and has no smell.
Very distinct differences

This has a consistency very similar to flour. It's very fine...and very white.

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Guys, it is very easy to tell apart was is Var and what is Winstrol, they look totally different.
"Powderguy" already mentioned this here:

"winny is a powder like flour, Var is a granular off white substance with a slight powdered content and has no smell.
Very distinct differences"

I'm not saying that LabMax is something wrong, but you have to understand that there is used the same vial to send Anavar and Winstrol and difference is only in a shade of color... The same time there is no Var powder that may look like Wintrol and no Winstrol powder that may look like Var :) You can always tell apart what is what.

Guys, it is very easy to tell apart was is Var and what is Winstrol, they look totally different.
"Powderguy" already mentioned this here:

"winny is a powder like flour, Var is a granular off white substance with a slight powdered content and has no smell.
Very distinct differences"

I'm not saying that LabMax is something wrong, but you have to understand that there is used the same vial to send Anavar and Winstrol and difference is only in a shade of color... The same time there is no Var powder that may look like Wintrol and no Winstrol powder that may look like Var :) You can always tell apart what is what.


If they're that easy to tell the difference.....why the hell are you ripping people off by selling winstrol as var?

Pics coming today of the winny powder....sold as var.

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Guys, it is very easy to tell apart was is Var and what is Winstrol, they look totally different.
"Powderguy" already mentioned this here:

"winny is a powder like flour, Var is a granular off white substance with a slight powdered content and has no smell.
Very distinct differences"

I'm not saying that LabMax is something wrong, but you have to understand that there is used the same vial to send Anavar and Winstrol and difference is only in a shade of color... The same time there is no Var powder that may look like Wintrol and no Winstrol powder that may look like Var :) You can always tell apart what is what.


Ok smart guy.....if you go to the labmax site and study the test on var for more than 5 seconds, there's CLEARLY a difference in the way var and winstrol tests out. Do some research before you make yourself look worse than you already have.

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I'm not defending any sources here, but as I have heard some sources use a middle man and it's out of their control what you are sent. We all know this is a risk you take and I don't recommend any type of this activity but there is always a risk associated with this.

Please know I have no idea who this guy is or what he does so I'm not defending anyone, just posting to give a better view of what may be the culprit.
I'm a fact chaser before I make judgments, so please understand my nature.

In addition, I have used labmax and if a chemical structure is similar it can give a default test. If you want to try a test of two different kinds of testosterone-they will both come out the same since the only difference is the ester. The purpose is to see if that base substance is present. its the same basic concept Law Enforcement uses, if its present then they have reasonable doubt, even though it may be cut with something and not be pure.

Just wanted to add this and hopefully it can be worked out. If someone actually received a false product, contact the source and square it away, if it continues or happens a lot then its a safety concern and should be posted public.

Thanks fellas
Bro, i never ripped anyone off and never will, i think you got me wrong. I NEVER sent Winstrol instead of Anavar and the powder that was tested is Var.
Here is the situation here:

My point is that if it was Wisntrol you could tell this by the way it looks and it looks different from var,. It is lighter than var and volume of 10g of Winny is more than 10g of Var (VOLUME, not weight), winny is kinda dusty and particles are much smaller. var and winny are tested with the same test and i would not give 100% for its accuracy...
Only mass spec is real proof.

P.S.: Pls, keep your talk cool and respectful. Thanks.

There's a lot better sources for raws.....and cheaper, than this guy.
Fellas- I found this for you both.

"From Labmax For winstrol and Anavar only- one test per vial $17.00 a vial.
The color has to be observed after 15 minutes, later the colors will fade out, get darker making it impossible to interpret. If it is 10 mg tablet then 1/8 is enough, about 1 mg. The test was calibrated to detect small amounts, adding more will affect test results. The timing and the amount of powder is important.

Or let’s put it this way if you are having problems with color if there is very little change then it is anavar, if the vial gets darker almost light brown then it is winstrol.
If you do not see the results then your sample does not contain anavar or winstrol. Dropping too much powder will make the results hard to interpret. If you drop too much of anavar the test vial will get darker sooner and it might give impression that it contains winstrol. This test is not designed for liquid form containing alcohol, it does not work for liquid form with alcohol.""

there is always a Margin for error-however knowing your powders is a huge thing. Like it has been stated you know the difference between flour and table salt right? That's the black and white of Winstrol and Var powder.

Again not taking sides, Im a fact man so lets put this to rest that a test could have been mishandled and user error occurred. The substances are very clearly different in their raw form and easily distinguished. This is the very first factor before you spend money on tests that may or may not work and then you also have purity to worry about so..what do you say fellas? Can we chalk it up to a science experiment mishandled and move on?

Winstrol - olive green
Anavar - yellow green
If you notice the labmax test that I did, I took pics every 5 minutes to show the changes in color....just as labmax instructs to do. I actually performed 2 tests on the raws. The first test, I thought that I may have put too much powder in the vial. It turned dark olive green too fast, imo. So on the second test, I measured out exactly 1mg and placed it into the vial. The color change was nearly identical...

If the powder was truly var, it would have retained a yellowish color, even after the 15 minute period. This did not.... It is winstrol all the way.

Labmax tests do not tell you the purity or strength of the hormone. It will only tell you whether or not the sample contains hormone. But if will also let you know what hormone it is. It's true that with some of the compounds that are tested, the colors are very similar.... This is not the case when testing var and winstrol. The colors are very distinct and different. No chance for winstrol to test as var, and vice versa.

Here are the pics of the powder that I received from MD. I am finished on this topic. I have come on here trying to let others know to be very careful where you spend your dollars. I know choose to spend mine with a more reputable source that actually knows what they're selling.

View attachment 19478View attachment 19479ImageUploadedByTapatalk1424376235.851228.jpg

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Rutman, I was just getting ready to place an order. This will be my first brew and don't want to get screwed right off the bat. Was this the first mishap with MD? Have you received anything good from them? Kind of scared to place my order now. What would you suggest. Thanks.
Rutman, I was just getting ready to place an order. This will be my first brew and don't want to get screwed right off the bat. Was this the first mishap with MD? Have you received anything good from them? Kind of scared to place my order now. What would you suggest. Thanks.

You'll be best served to do you due diligence in researching and come up with your own conclusion. But do stay away from paid boards like eroids if you want honest, non biased reviews. There are boards out there where sources aren't protected by mods. Good luck.

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I agree. Listen im not claiming to be an expert on anything or a know it all and looking at names most of you probably don't know me at all. I have yet to purchase MD raw. What I can say is again I have used his tabs, EC line and they were not only legit but very good. Thanks again MD and I hope all is well with you my friend. I'm hoping to see thou bring your bars back those were very very good abd of course now I have guys bugging me for them all the time. But as said with labmax test there is a lot of room for human error and interpretation. I have used these test and not only these for gear I have tested many compounds with the same brand or similar. There are many things that can effect what you get as a result. A tab is tough because it most likely contains microcrystalline cellulose and others but with raw you have to follow instructions very carefully. I doubt many guys have a good true mg scale. I've tried several ranginhv from $100 and under and even with the cover down air still would continuously cause a fluctuation. With raw get a simple mg scoop yes a 1mg scoop it's tiny. I wouldn't use it to dose caps because I have no way to measure it on at least two scales to verify so a mg scoop will give u a small enough amount to test. But I will say I simply trust MD. He didn't know me from anyone and was a big help to me with a product and anyone paying sponsor fees etc typically is trying to build and maintain a reputation of integrity and trust. I mean he really went out inn a limb for me and trusted I would do the right thing and it all worked out. But I believe anything he has listed he believes in it and I'm sure he can look and tell the difference. With most any raw I can tell you by look and smell clear as day what any of the common hormones look like or even how some react to touch. Labmax is a tool after looking it over to try sbdvfurthrr confirm. I no longer feel a need to herb them. If I don't trust a guy I move on to the next. That said I fukky trust and believe in MD and its been a while since I've went thru him but I do need to getvwithbyou MD I need to discuss bulk with u again very soon. I love thev orals I have tried and I had trusted friends try them as well and they would tell me if they didnt like them. I know we are talking raw and things in factories can change the appearance of an item easiky as well. But MD I just want to thank you again. You are a good person and I love the items ive tried but I have guys bugging me to get more abd some bulk like var whch I havent tried yours yet but all the others were excellent so keep up the good work brotha and ill be in touch to go over cost on bigger amounts etc. And let me say I respect anyone testing any product but keep in mind each test is a piece to a puzzle. We dint know for sure if labmax test kits are stored properly and if that can effect results. I know it's easy for us to see a result and instantly be dissapointed but don't leave out the basics like melting point. And you can get an inexpensive apparatus fairly cheap on bidding sites that are likely better than an oven because of the way an oven is designed to work. So thanks for posting your findings. I would attempt each test twice minimum for a better chance of a real reading and do the other a as well I mean we are talking using a tiny amount and a single mg is so small it's hard to even collect such an amount. U would think I are putting nothing in. Any way good to see guys testing but look at it inns different view to not be biased. Try to test as if u didn't know what it was and go thru some steps of checking appearance then melting point then a labmax and honestly var abd winny are different all together and if u used them for even a couple weeks they have a completely different effect on the body and if you haven't spent a lot of time with raws or gear it can be hard to say if u ever had real var. I know guys who will combine items to try and give a similar result but once u have used the real deal you know there is no way u would be mistaken again. Take care all. MD you are good in my book and I'll be in touch very soon.
And I say do a melting point and then try it. I can promise MD would try to scam. He handed me an amount of something worth a lot on good faith.
Are these guys still gtg? my emails have not got replies so im wondering since i havent ordered from them since august
I I tbsp we you carrying test phenyl prop. I read it's good to keep the same esters and since my last cycle I ran NPP I stuck with test phenyl prop. Since you do t carry what would be the best eater to run with NPP and tren ace for my next cycle?
I I tbsp we you carrying test phenyl prop. I read it's good to keep the same esters and since my last cycle I ran NPP I stuck with test phenyl prop. Since you do t carry what would be the best eater to run with NPP and tren ace for my next cycle?

just regular test propionate,