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  1. crash

    HGH and IGF opinions

    I have swollen joints and some joint pain body temp stays hot other than that seems pretty normal. I am stopping IGF will run hgh 2 more months
  2. crash

    HGH and IGF opinions

    Sorry I hadn't seen this Brother but I have been taking HGH and MC igf for over 4 months now. Doses 5 iu ed HGH 80 to 100mcg ed igf. I haven't experienced anything like that although I can tell when I WORK OUT I GET REALLY HUNGRY AND CRAVE SUGAR.
  3. crash

    Cycle Critique - Been out of the AAS for a decade.

    If you can handle Tren a it will greatly increase fat loss. I also like adding in MC igf at 80 mcg a day and I also agree with Bigz on the protein being a little high but you have to do what works for your body that's the key to it all everyone is different. Good Luck Brother
  4. crash

    Euro-Pharmicies PSL Proviron review

    i have been on psl provoiron for about 3 weeks and I can say the shit works!!! Wish I had known about it when I first started my cycles I just went to 75 mg a day about a week ago just trying to find the sweet spot but 50 was great. One thing im not sure if its proviron or the grey top hgh I...
  5. crash

    B12 injections

    I ordered some from a board sponsor and it worked great. Then I tried the cheap route and got some from a vet supply and the doses were higher but the results didn't seem to be as good.
  6. crash

    anyone had experience with watson test c

    Thanks for the reply brother these are prescribed through a doc so they are coming straight from the pharmacy. Not sure but wouldn't think they would have test that old in the pharmacy
  7. crash

    anyone had experience with watson test c

    I know I have heard some of you guys speak on this brand. It is pharmaceutical grade test c dosed at 200 mg. I am able to get my hands on some of this as it is a lil more expensive I know quality is everything. Just wanted some input from guys that have tried it and should I start my doses lower...
  8. crash

    NewB Q for the very first cycle

    I my self tried Deca didn't get the deca dick lol but did not see the results I thought I would . I like dbol at 50 mg ed stacked with test e or c at 750 mg a week. My next blast which I will start October will be 1250 mg a week of test e or c not sure yet and 60 mg ed of d bol . This will be my...
  9. crash

    Another new guy

    I take 5,000 iu sub Q AND THEN 3 DAYS LATER ANOTHER 5,000 IU and that helps me greatly my nuts are not as much a problem as I get where I am like the energizer bunny and cant ejaculate and thnats no fun. HCG helps greatly with that. I don't run really high doses and I switch compounds every 15...
  10. crash

    Another new guy

    HCG helps with testicle shrinkage I usually don't have that problem but since I run long cycles now I do so I take HCG about every 20 weeks and it helps greatly. Keep in mind I never plan to totaly come off I like to blast and cruise.
  11. crash

    NewB Q for the very first cycle

    I was 35 my first cycle and I took a simple test e at 250 mg a week for 10 weeks and my body changed 100%. I would start simple and make sure you don't have sides as if you take multiple compunds how will you know which causes the sides. Just my opinion and I think you are young for a cycle but...
  12. crash

    Proviron and what do you use it for on your bulking or cutting cycle ?

    I just added it to my cycle at 50 mg ed split been on for a week and it seems libido is up from it i have been on cycle for about 9 mos i like to blast and cruise and switch things up so hoping this will add to my arsenal it also comes from psl ep line
  13. crash


    Ok guys so i have been taking the blue top HGH from psl for 3 months at 5 iu a day. im not saying the hgh isnt legit at all im just saying i am not seeing results i expected from it. I also have a friend doing the same thing with no reults and sides are same swollen joints and pain in hands and...
  14. crash


    For me I don't think i can dedicate what i need to to compete would like too but I have a full time job and another business so makes things difficult. Right now I have been leaning up for summer I am currently 201 down from 216 about 2 months ago. My goal is to start adding back weight in...
  15. crash

    how to bag a cougar?

    I am from Virginia and here when you leave the home of residence whether it be the Man or Woman you are considered legally separated no paper work needed if you don't want to. Other states are different.
  16. crash

    Bodybuilding in Charlette NC

    I have a buddy that just did a show in charlotte this past weekend it was a mens phsysique. I have been there for work and they have some nice gyms there. I live about 2 1/2 hours north of there.
  17. crash

    how to bag a cougar?

    LOL ive been legally separated for almost a year divorce final in two weeks
  18. crash

    how to bag a cougar?

    I cant help you bag a cougar but I am 38 and since me and my wife separated most of the women I have dated have been between 20 and 25 and none of them seem to mind my age. I would like to date someone closer to my age but I think they are intimidated by me and the young girls are crazy over an...
  19. crash

    B 12 protocol

    Presser I just found a site that sell B12 for horses its in a strerile vial but it is dirt cheap compared to what I paid I assume its the same thing would you guys take it from a site that sells vitamins for horses... Either way I am gone be the guiena pig ordered it today I can get a 100,000...
  20. crash

    B 12 protocol

    Just wanted to report on my experience so far with B 12. I am currently on a cycle with hgh and tren ace which makes me tired as shit. So I added b 12 in at 250 mcg a day been doing this for a week now and I must say I love the energy I have got now I take it in the morning when I awake and I am...