how to bag a cougar?

not everyone dates other people while separated, so i thought it was a fair question.
I say that if a husband and wife are separated and divorce proceedings are pending in the court, then they can fuck anybody they want without moral concerns.
I agree if divorce proceedings are in process, but just a normal separation, thats different
I guess my point was I don't care if he is married divorced separated girlfriend or whatever is case is I just want pic of the cougar!!!! Lol
LOL ive been legally separated for almost a year divorce final in two weeks

damn bro sorry to hear this, i guess its for the best if its what u both want, what makes a separation LEGAL anyhow
I am from Virginia and here when you leave the home of residence whether it be the Man or Woman you are considered legally separated no paper work needed if you don't want to. Other states are different.