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  1. F

    Post injection soreness?

    yah Im pretty sure its the Test as well... so suggestions are massages, hot shower, working that bodypart and somewhat warming the needle. Anything else? I fear my 2nd injection already... its been 3 days since the 1st and Im still feeling the soreness.
  2. F

    Post injection soreness?

    again, brand is Genpro. Ive heard this brand can cause some soreness, I just hope its not THIS much
  3. F

    Post injection soreness?

    It was actually 1.5CC's 1CC (300Test-E) and .5 (150Deca) The needle being used to inject is 25gauge 3CC. Ive used these needles in my 1st cycle and had no problems... so I dont think its the needle. But the current pain for a simple injection is amazing. My friend tapped me on my delt today...
  4. F

    Post injection soreness?

    my appologies. I just noticed as I wrote this that I said shoulders... in fact I ment Deltoid.
  5. F

    Post injection soreness?

    2nd cycle... weekly 600Test-E 300Deca (split into 2 shots per week). Ok, this is my 2nd cycle so Im somewhat still a beginner to all this. With my 1st cycle, there was minimum soreness after injection. however, with this new cycle which started 2days ago... my 1st injection into my left...
  6. F

    2nd cycle questions/comments

    sounds good bro. Orders been placed. Lets see how nasty this can be :lurk:
  7. F

    2nd cycle questions/comments

    and I just drink this with my morning shake? :D sounds good... placing my order now
  8. F

    2nd cycle questions/comments

    quick question for anyone thats ordered from MC before. When delivered, does it require signature? because id be having these sent to my PO box. Also, 1 bottle should be enough for a 10week cycle I take it?
  9. F

    2nd cycle questions/comments

    gracias amigo :thumbsup:
  10. F

    2nd cycle questions/comments

    im hoping theres something wrong with these prices? Edited by jaywooly, those prices were wrong and couldn't keep an ad on our board like that.
  11. F

    2nd cycle questions/comments

    is it a perscription or over the counter? I know its used to fight breast cancer in woman...
  12. F

    2nd cycle questions/comments

    MMX2, the brand is Genpro... As for my 1st cycle... It was 500/Test-E. Went very well also. This is my 1st time using Deca.. but do you think the femara is a must at such a low dosage? Not sure how i'll act to it and unfortunately, dont have any femara on hand.
  13. F

    2nd cycle questions/comments

    also, why Mon/wed or tues/thurs? Isnt it more ideal to be Mon/Thurs or Tues/Friday? Just wondering if theres a reason behind this? Oh yes, before I forget... how bad is it if im injecting in only 2 sites, ever? Just alternating shoulders. I know theres the tissue buildup, but other than that...
  14. F

    2nd cycle questions/comments

    Thanks for the suggestions MMX, always been a great help bro. So you think I should split the deca into 2 shots rather than a single shot? My stats... Im turning 22 in a couple months. 6' abuot 185lbs (havent done body fat% yet). Been training for a good 3-4 years. Been doing martial arts since...
  15. F

    2nd cycle questions/comments

    ok, Im running my 2nd cycle... wont be huge but its gona be 600mg Test-E/week and 300mg Deca/week. Cycle will run for 10 weeks followed with 5 weeks of Nolva as PCT. Now, although this is my 2nd cycle, its been awhile since Ive touched AAS. So, back to basics, feel free to laugh :D I have...
  16. F

    Sweating WAY TO MUCH !! Celery Seed?

    yes, babypowder under the arms will help A BIT.
  17. F

    Sweating WAY TO MUCH !! Celery Seed?

    sweating too much can be diagnosed as a disorder. You may want to see your doctor for possible solutions.
  18. F

    Need Confirmation: Nolvadex

  19. F

    Need Confirmation: Nolvadex

    although I doubt anyone would make fake nolva, still gona need confirmation... They're from India. real?
  20. F

    Dr. & Gear??

    im gona guess the doctor may lecture you for a bit... but other than that, I think youll be fine