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  1. Crackrbaby

    IPAM & CJC1295 Mini Log ( Purchase Peptides Products )

    Kinda difficult to explain, it's more less a foot race/ obstacle course . Heres a link:
  2. Crackrbaby

    CJC 1295 and MGF Log

    Keep at it bro!
  3. Crackrbaby

    IPAM & CJC1295 Mini Log ( Purchase Peptides Products )

    Ready for one Crazy F*cking weekend! Warrior Dash, SkyDiving, and a Day at the MX Track!
  4. Crackrbaby

    IPAM & CJC1295 Mini Log ( Purchase Peptides Products )

    Hahaha! I know it sounds funny, but it was absolutely the worst thing I've ever had to go through . My newborn didnt bring half as many tears as this incident did! Lmao!
  5. Crackrbaby

    IPAM & CJC1295 Mini Log ( Purchase Peptides Products )

    Buffalo- wish I could help you out with your test results. Unfortunately I'm still learning my self and may give you some incorrect info . I'm sure there are many brothers on here that would be willing to help ya out . Good luck bro!
  6. Crackrbaby

    IPAM & CJC1295 Mini Log ( Purchase Peptides Products )

    26 Days into Research: Things are still going pretty damn good. Previously I had posted that I seem to get a little "pick me up" after my Cjc/Ipam combo, this seems to have subsided slightly and I feel my energy levels are stable throughout the day. Sleep is still strong and refreshing, no...
  7. Crackrbaby

    Which GHRP peptide do you recommend?

    I will probably Boom dose around the time of my PCT.. I'm hoping to lose minimal weight, or possibly gain weight during this time.. Appreciate the info!
  8. Crackrbaby

    IPAM & CJC1295 Mini Log ( Purchase Peptides Products )

    Forgot to post up my Pre-Cycle stats: 5'11 28 yrs 185lbs ~12% Bf 3 Years Hard Training... I know my stats arent all that great, but with the continuation of Hard Training, Proper Diet and this solid Test/Peptide combo, I plan to change them numbers around quite a bit!
  9. Crackrbaby

    What's the difference between GHRP-6, GHRP-2 and Ipamorelin?

    Big- A good peptide combo should yield some nice Permanent gains. Remember that gains will be much slower than being on aas, but you don't have to deal with pct or any muscle losses after cycle. ;)
  10. Crackrbaby

    IPAM & CJC1295 Mini Log ( Purchase Peptides Products )

    Purchase Peptides Aromasin Lab Test Results! Running 750 mg Test E, Hcg and 25mg ED of Purchase Peptides Aromasin (exemestane) :gold: Here's what I did ~ 12 hours before bloods.. 375mg Test E 250iu's Hcg 25mg Aromasin
  11. Crackrbaby

    What's the difference between GHRP-6, GHRP-2 and Ipamorelin?

    Peptides with no AAS is perfectly fine.. Probably much Safer than AAS alone.
  12. Crackrbaby

    Peptide Storage & Expiry

    The storage information in this article is applicable to all of the following peptides as they are manufactured by the same process (lyophilization): GHRP Peptides, CJC-1295 Peptides, HGH Frag 176-191 and IGF-1 Peptides. Storage Environment Both mixed and unmixed vials should be stored in...
  13. Crackrbaby

    Peptide Combinations Guide

    Growth Hormone (GH) and IGF-1 are naturally occurring hormones in the human body responsible for many enviable aesthetic traits such as muscle mass, leanness and a firm/even skin tone. As people age, levels of growth hormone rapidly decline and this is one of the main reasons humans put on...
  14. Crackrbaby

    IGF-1 Peptide Dosage Instructions

    The information below relates to using IGF-1 Peptides (IGF-1 LR3 and PEG-MGF) as standalone products. For information about which other peptides they combine well with, please visit the Peptide Combinations guide. Recommended Dosages Before using these products, please ensure you have viewed...
  15. Crackrbaby

    HGH Fragment 176-191 Dosage Instructions

    Dose per injection: 250mcg (0.25mg) Injections per vial: 8 x 250mcg injections Amount to Inject: If you have used 1ml of water for mixing then a 250mcg dosage = 0.125ml (or 12.5 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 2ml of water for mixing then 250mcg = 0.25ml (or 25 units). If you have...
  16. Crackrbaby

    CJC-1295 Peptide Dosage Instructions

    The information below relates to using GHRH Peptides (CJC-1295 DAC and Modified GRF 1-29) as standalone products. For information about which other peptides they combine well with, please visit the Peptide Combinations Guide. Recommended Dosages Before using these products, please ensure you...
  17. Crackrbaby

    What's the difference between CJC-1295 and CJC-1295 DAC?

    CJC-1295 (also known as Modified GRF 1-29) and CJC-1295 DAC are both Growth Hormone Releasing Hormones (GHRH). Their action in the human body is identical with the difference being the half-life of each peptide. Modified GRF 1-29 has a very short acting half-life of about 30 minutes, while...
  18. Crackrbaby

    GHRP Peptides Dosage Instructions

    The information below relates to using GHRP peptides (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin) as standalone products. For information about which other peptides they combine well with, please visit the Peptide Combinations guide. Recommended Dosages Before using these products, please ensure you have...
  19. Crackrbaby

    Which GHRP peptide do you recommend?

    The product with the least potential side effects is Ipamorelin and therefore it is normally recommended. However, since it only comes as 2mg per vial, it is essentially twice as expensive as GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 which contain 5mg per vial and cost only slight more per vial than Ipamorelin. Our...
  20. Crackrbaby

    What's the difference between GHRP-6, GHRP-2 and Ipamorelin?

    GHRP-6, GHRP-2 and Ipamorelin are all very similar in their modes of action, they work to increase Growth Hormone (GH) levels in the human body by increasing secretion of the hormone Ghrelin. On a milligram for milligram basis they are all fairly equal in their ability to increase GH levels in...