CJC 1295 and MGF Log

Sick chest day today with Cindee. Pre MC iGf and post mgf has been freaking awesome. About three weeks must be the sweet spot for me because I'm feeling stronger in the gym and getting a lot of compliments on my size. Bicep have been getting fuller but leaner if that makes sense. Chest is feeling thicker. I really need to start pinning my triceps now that my biceps are better.
Went to the doctors today for my annual check up. bp was 134/84 so we were happy but he was concerned over headaches I've been having. Got prescribed a low dose of anti depresent to help me unwind before bed and hopefully alleviate headaches. Have blood work being drawn on Monday and hopefully get the results to get my cycle started.
Bumped up Aqua Burn to 4 drops this morning and now I'm feeling it :tread:

Ramped down my calories to about 2500-2800 calories and only down about 2 lbs but I can see some more outer ab definition.
After couple of hours... ?:D
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Here are some before and after

About 30 ish days ago.


This am.


Only about 5 lbs lighter but my body recommped big time.
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Are serious!?!?

yes. I'm traveling this week but I have another appointment on Tuesday.

I can sleep better now with the meds, much more relaxed. The weird part is the only relief from the headaches I get without the meds is when I'm at the gym.
What leads your doctor to believe you might have a tumor other than the headaches? I hope it's nothing serious! I'll be praying for you brother.
What leads your doctor to believe you might have a tumor other than the headaches? I hope it's nothing serious! I'll be praying for you brother.

When I told him I felt something, he turned around and that got his attention. I described it like something stuck when it hurts and blurred vision. The good thing is that he submitted to my insurance that I go in for regular massages and look into acupuncture until I get back in the office. He didn't say if the massages needed to be of the Asian therapeutic kind:saywhat:

I appreciate the prayers, bro.
Still on MGF and keeping the current doses.

I'm not sure if I plan on adding CJC1295 back in, I'm not a timing type of person so I always forgot to take it at appropriate times

I'm fucking dying from leg day on Monday.

Leg Extensions

Ass to Grass Squats

Leg Press

Leg Extensions

Leg Press Drop set

10x200 dropping about 15lb increments:puke: