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  1. M

    Rich Piana talks about building traps, shoulders and neck

    I thought he was breathing hard from the start. Said he just got him out of the gym. Mabey he was just finished working out. lol Big MoFo though
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    What was the bionic mans name??

    but do you remember Lee Majors started as Heath Barkley in the western tv show The Big Valley. The sister on that show, blond went on to be a major chick on Dallas I think. Forgot her real name. Dam, I probably the only guy who remembers that. lol
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    Arguing an AAS addiction

    I was taking a nutrition class at our community college few years back. I was bulking up. I was still pretty lean and in good shape. According to the chart I was on the verge of being MORBIDLY obese. Hey, we hijacked this post. lol What happened Big N WV??????? Hey, wouldnt a enlarged...
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    Lifting and recreational activities

    I sleep with a back scratcher. Beats getting up to scratch your back against the door jam. I just pin glutes blindly. No way I can twist around to see. lol Dont beat yourself up about the batting. If you spent some steady time at it I think a lot of it would come back.
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    I'm new here. DIET + ISOMETRICS

    I think your progress will be like night and day going to a gym and doing full range with weights. Eat good and you should be very happy with your results. Keep us posted.
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    Anniversary/Christmas gift

    dont bring the guns with you for the sex. Unless they are unloaded. lol Yeah, pretty cool
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    Upper Chest?

    we are a strange breed. lol Where else would someone say "this is the best it ever looked but it still looks like shit" Looks good bro and I think the same about mine. Every other chest day I will just do incline exercises for upper chest.
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    Where is China, not what you think

    she had a jaw like her father, Sgt. Slaughter. (anyone remember him, the wrestler?)
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    Arguing an AAS addiction

    when they say, either that or me, it is definitly a power play. the best thing you can do is not even bite if she goes there again. It isnt a argument if it is only one person arguing. Show no emotion and say something like, sorry you feel that way but Im not going to justify it by even...
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    UFC 168: Weidman vs. Silva II Already One of the Biggest Gates in UFC History

    that was a GREAT knockout. lol Rematch be interesting. See if Sylva is all business or lets the cockyness take over again.
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    Where is China, not what you think

    saw her on a porno award show on hbo. didnt know she did pornos though. lol No where near the muscle she had when wrestling.
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    miss my old gym

    you at a different gym now??
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    Arguing an AAS addiction

    Or she is trying to hit you where it hurts. If she wears make up when she goes out ask her if she is addicted to that. She always puts it on to look better just like you use AAS to look better. It would be like being addicted to eating good. Thinking about it, addictions arnt bad when it is a...
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    Testosterone gone bad?

    I have done the same, lol. I have had it happen with one of 5 10ml vials, so I know it was just a bad vial. After a couple shots and feeling like crap I just dumped it and opened next one with no problem, Think it has happened twice to me.
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    I'm new here. DIET + ISOMETRICS

    yes, your excercises are not isometric excercises. Or we misunderstood. Do you have weights? Dont see how else you would do these excercises. (bench, squats, rows, press) Clearify and we can be more help. Good to see your at it again. Welcome
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    Appetite way down???

    great abs on her. I force feed but cant keep it up for long. Keep us posted. Good post.
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    Myths of AAS use

    Not sure if #9 is correct. I believe the clitoral enlargement is not reversable. I think further studies should be done on this. Just the other day one of the women at my gym, who hasent done a cycle in quite a while said she had this problem. We were talking as we were both standing at...
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    Shoulder still a no go.

    Happened to me long time ago. Never thought I would be able to BB bench again. I had to use machines that wouldnt give me pain for chest. After about a year I decided to try light bench BB. No pain. You have to give it time. (for me easier said then done) Also, I think if your hitting...
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    Anybody here remember SBC aka sorebuttacheeko?

    never heard but great name.
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    over 40 and still killing it

    You have to force feed. lol When I get serious with diet I eat at least 5 times a day. VERY CLEAN. Chicken, turkey, brown rice , yams and some veg. It feels like Im stuffing it in my face and forcing it down. I feel like a fat pig stuffing his face but I will grow and lean out at the...