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  1. Bignick

    Where do you shop???

    Take your jeans to a tailor, they can work miracles too, they might no fit perfect, but they will fit better. Talk to your tailor/seamstress and see what size jeans that you should by so that they can tailor them to fit you the best
  2. Bignick


    i get aroused to be honest
  3. Bignick

    24yrs old DEAD from Slin...

    definitely sorry to hear about this bro.....slin scares the shit outta me.....even more now
  4. Bignick

    blondes, brunettes, or redheads

    I THINK THIS EXPLAINS IT ALL :laugh: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  5. Bignick

    prop and eq run?

    Thats what i usually do as well. I run prop all the way through, which i dont think i will be doing this time around. I think im going to run some sust, i have a bunch of left overs, and then run my prop at the end. You definitely dont want to cut the EQ and Prop off at the same time because...
  6. Bignick

    Most Painful Compounds

    When Xxxlabs Was Around I Used To Have Some Of The Worst Ass Pains Ever!!!! His prop was awesome,,,,but painful too
  7. Bignick


    i never said a word about leveling the playing field.....i have no problem with that.....i dont' think anything is "cheating" bro....alot may dissagree....but the way i look at it....if you decide to be honest and not take any AAS, the next guy will.
  8. Bignick

    Do you or have you ever smoked?

    Never smoked cigs, others...used to, but that was very rarely and i have to admit.....I chew the hell outta tobacco....fresh cope or the grizzle my nizzle
  9. Bignick


    you guys in high school? If so fellas....dont mess with that shit....i wish i had listened....i never touched an anabolic in high school, but shortly after i did. You guys have more anabolic muscle building potential than any guy here. Some of the guys here, older bros especially, would...
  10. Bignick

    Need Advice From Knowledgable Bro's PLEASE

    i wrestle in college ;) ....let me tell you something about starving your body down. I know what the books say and i know how the philosophies stop eating and your metabolizm shuts down...and your fatloss decreases..I have cut nearly 20lbs+ in a matter of days....alot of that is...
  11. Bignick

    500 baby!

    conrgrats bro....i remember the time i reached 500lbs.....i can remember stepping of the scale and almost crying..... :) ....congrats in like the upper 0.2% of the population as far as strength goes!!!....not many can say that one
  12. Bignick


    i have to give credit where credit is due....superdrol is effective. I have had several friends take that garbage and have essential gains with it. Might i add that 100% of them have lactating sausage nipples now.....and yes everyone of them ran a pct afterwards. I know thats hwo it was when...
  13. Bignick

    World Top Models Photos

    some people are just down right pathetic
  14. Bignick

    17 members

    bump this up......say hi and let us hear a little about you...join the community
  15. Bignick

    i got one....the only thing i worry about is the privacy issue man. I dont want anyone to know that much about me....especially those with bad intentions. I basically have two lives so to say.....i just think its safer that way
  16. Bignick

    mc igf question

    From what i hear the oratropin is garbage and much research has proved it to be just that. Immense Growth Factor is MCAAS's version of IGF and it is by all means one of the best. You have to keep the stuff cold at all times. I know alot of bro's have had great results with it and I personally...
  17. Bignick

    BD winstrol

    it depends on how fresh the tabs stay....and the amount of moisture in around them. I left a few bd dbol on my dresser for a couple days and those things were very brittle when i picked them up. That is the case for anything. If you can keep them in a sealed tight container like a vial or...
  18. Bignick

    2 orals...

    agreed.....i wouldn't recomend running them both during the same cycle, what are your sust dosages per week. Maybe you can bump those up a bit. I dont know about other guys here but i have used sust at 800mg+ a week and a little over a gram a week with the added prop....great results but i...
  19. Bignick

    Bill the butcher works at subway, dont be ashamed bro

    i bet you like your buns double stuffed, i would imagine you could get double meat for 3or 4 dollars extra
  20. Bignick

    All Cmf Members

    hey there is even a nifty little coat of arms .......there must be history behind this.....our forefathers including bill the butcher must have been CMF's too