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  1. TravisBLKMACH

    The preworkout thread

    I have been using lipodrene (ephedra and caffeine) for years as a preworkout, on top of NO Xplode. But my latest fav is Old Jack (I have a huge caffeine tolerance) great pumps with it!
  2. TravisBLKMACH

    First time ordering PSL

    Just placed my first order with PSL and have some dbol and winn on the way. Currently taking 500 mg of test cyp per week, and my plan is to add the dbol into the mix for 4 weeks at 50mg per day. any thoughts or ideas from the experienced ones out there?
  3. TravisBLKMACH

    Bulking cycle with Euro-Pharmacies PSL

    ha ha dude you're crackin me up with the amount of food you put down...
  4. TravisBLKMACH

    Cruising steroid cycle instead of PCT?

    That is basically what I am on the fence about. I started TRT just a few months ago, and am considering taking a break at the end of the year just to give my body a break and do PCT when I come off, but my whole reason for starting TRT was to make gains, not necessarily because I had the usual...
  5. TravisBLKMACH

    Need help for my second cycle ! the first was a desaster

    How old are you? look into HRT or TRT
  6. TravisBLKMACH

    New chick on the gain train

    Welcome! Let's hear about your diet ��
  7. TravisBLKMACH

    Possible to liquify veggies?

    I use a breville juicer to drink vegetables. I don't know that a blender would do the trick. Much quicker to drink a sweet potato raw than to wait 2 hours to cook one! I watched a documentary on juicing on Netflix called "Fat, sick and Nearly Dead." Been incorporating juicing into my diet every...
  8. TravisBLKMACH

    What was your biggest lagging muscle and how did you bring it up?

    Developing the peak in the biceps comes from doing close grip barbell curls. Never sacrifice form. Whatever the lagging body part, work it on the first day of your workout week (after a rest day) and then do legs the following day. The growth hormone your body releases from doing heavy legs...
  9. TravisBLKMACH

    For those that are on TRT -- Do you ever cycle off?

    I'm 41....and what is this "cruising" mean?
  10. TravisBLKMACH

    For those that are on TRT -- Do you ever cycle off?

    I just started on test cyp. in June, with 200mg per week. I first went to this Dr. who I found was prescribing to a few of my clients, and decided to give it a try not really thinking my test was low but hoping to get something to that would help me put on size. I have been lifting for over 10...
  11. TravisBLKMACH

    New member

    Hey guys, just wanted to introduce myself. Been lurking for a while reading posts and decided to finally join. Im a 41 yo personal trainer that has been working out now for about for about 15 years seriously (off and on before that). Just recently began TRT this summer and have been researching...