For those that are on TRT -- Do you ever cycle off?

I just started on test cyp. in June, with 200mg per week. I first went to this Dr. who I found was prescribing to a few of my clients, and decided to give it a try not really thinking my test was low but hoping to get something to that would help me put on size. I have been lifting for over 10 years, and have reached the point of not growing anymore (and getting older, Im 41). Once I went, they told me my test was 294, which was considered low. I went back to have blood work done after 2 months and my levels came back to 650. I was then increased to 400mg per week which I split in 2 doses. I have since increased my own dosage to 500 per week after doing some research and seems to be the "magic number" for most. This vitality clinic gives me an oral anti estrogen of hcg/anastrozle that dissolves under your tongue, and was told to take every mon, wed, and fri, which I did at first, but several times I have gone weeks without taking it and noticed little difference. I have not been able to find much info on these hcg tabs and not sure if they are worth it, at least for now. This is all still very new to me, and I am trying to learn as much as I can. I am even learning that my body absorbs a lot more of what I eat. My main question is, does any one cycle off if you are prescribed, and if so, is pct necessary at that level? I don't consider myself to be "really" low like some people who have legitimate low numbers who need it to live. I am considering giving my body a break after 12 weeks and then "stocking up" to do a little more for next time. Any thoughts?
Once on TRT it is for life. People like me are on TRT because I am at 153 natty.

Remember, once you start taking external test, you body stops making its own and you will have to do PCT to recover it.

HCG is injected, afaik the oral form has very little bioavailability - meaning almost none of the HCG you ingest will be usable by the body. HCG is also not an AI (aromatase inhibitor, aka anti-e), it is used to force the body to keep the testes working when it wants to shut them off. Anastrozle is an AI. Most people on TRT doe not need an AI because they are simply being brought up into the normal range for males. Once you start going to supra levels you will need an AI.
I am 55 and I never go off. I cycle for 12 to 16 weeks at a time, then I Cruz at 250mg. of Test E per week.
I am 55 and I never go off. I cycle for 12 to 16 weeks at a time, then I Cruz at 250mg. of Test E per week.

Agreed, I just started TRT and off for me will consist of cruising at 250mg for 8-12 wks then back on 500-750mg. for 16 wks or so.
Crusing just means that when you are off cycle you are maintaining your test levels with a weekly injection of test c or test e..
Never off if I can help it. I have been "on" for 16 years. I have backed down on dosage from time to time to reset before going on a cycle, but that as close I get to off. I'm 46, by the way.
I just started on test cyp. in June, with 200mg per week. I first went to this Dr. who I found was prescribing to a few of my clients, and decided to give it a try not really thinking my test was low but hoping to get something to that would help me put on size. I have been lifting for over 10 years, and have reached the point of not growing anymore (and getting older, Im 41). Once I went, they told me my test was 294, which was considered low. I went back to have blood work done after 2 months and my levels came back to 650. I was then increased to 400mg per week which I split in 2 doses. I have since increased my own dosage to 500 per week after doing some research and seems to be the "magic number" for most. This vitality clinic gives me an oral anti estrogen of hcg/anastrozle that dissolves under your tongue, and was told to take every mon, wed, and fri, which I did at first, but several times I have gone weeks without taking it and noticed little difference. I have not been able to find much info on these hcg tabs and not sure if they are worth it, at least for now. This is all still very new to me, and I am trying to learn as much as I can. I am even learning that my body absorbs a lot more of what I eat. My main question is, does any one cycle off if you are prescribed, and if so, is pct necessary at that level? I don't consider myself to be "really" low like some people who have legitimate low numbers who need it to live. I am considering giving my body a break after 12 weeks and then "stocking up" to do a little more for next time. Any thoughts?

I'm 46 and have been on TRT for about 2-1/2 years. I've come off once during that time, mainly because I moved across country and had to find a new doc who was willing and able to administer TRT. They're not as easy to find in some places as in others.

So, to answer one of your questions, YES, you need PCT if you come off. It doesn't matter what your test dose is, 'shut down' is shut down. If you're taking exogenous testosterone (you are, that's test from a source outside your own body), then your balls have shut down. Search this forum and you'll find plenty of good advice on a very effective PCT. I used one when I came off (which was after being on TRT for a solid year) with good results.

As for coming off in the place, the only reason I can see to do that is along the lines of what BigZ said: to "reset". Personally, I haven't done any cycling, as I've found that I am very susceptible to some disagreeable side effects if I go above 200 or so a week. But I have found that different sources - and I'm talking about legit, US pharmacies, not underground labs - use different manufacturers and the potency can vary wildly. So right now I'm struggling to find the right dose with my current supply. I am considering coming off briefly to start from scratch. Other than that, I can't see a reason to come off.

As for whether or not you're truly low, 295 is absolutely below the bottom of any range I've seen on a lab sheet, usually 300-1200. But it isn't strictly a numbers thing. It's symptom driven as well. I would be shocked if, after being on TRT for a while, you cane off and didn't feel like shit. What I mean is, I knew I had certain symptoms before I went on TRT. They're what drove me to it in the first place. I did NOT realize just how many more symptoms I had until after I had been on for a while and those symptoms disappeared.
I'm 48 and have cycled since 2003. I've been cruising on 75mg a week sub Q and for me it's no different than being on 200mg im.cruising. However, I do taper down when coming down from my blast to get to this low cruise.