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  1. ColdHeartBear

    Scott Peterson Verdict

    The man is a punk, but......from what I have seen evidence consisted of motive, opportunity, and the slimeball deserves the needle. What I didn't see was evidence that he committed the crime.
  2. ColdHeartBear


    see England's comment.
  3. ColdHeartBear

    Happy birthday WHeelz

    Another year down and another milestone to build upon.
  4. ColdHeartBear

    does anyone know what isopure's web addy is?
  5. ColdHeartBear

    Ideas for next month's articles.

    Good one QB. But lets make that supplements and herbals in general. Having done unorgansied research for myself in this area I already know it is a major undertaking. I get 2 weeks off in december so lets save it for January..OK?
  6. ColdHeartBear

    Ideas for next month's articles.

    badda bing bump!
  7. ColdHeartBear

    clen overdose!

    sent pm 15 + minutes ago. Forgot to prompt.
  8. ColdHeartBear

    nolva and pct (didn't work)

    Try B-6 200 mg 4 x a day with Beta Siterol and some other phytoestrogens. You should know if it is working in 20 days or less.
  9. ColdHeartBear

    clen overdose!

    Load up on potassium, salt, magnesium, taurine, and lots of anti-oxidents. Had almost the same thing happen 3 weeks ago. Thought I was dead for sure. Ears rang for 20 hours and I had a barely audible high pitch whine in ears for more than 6 days.
  10. ColdHeartBear

    Ideas for next month's articles.

    1 a.m. bump. How about telling us what you want to read and who you want to write it? 3 votes in 2 days to me indicate little or no interest in my suggested output or my output in general, but mayhap you have something you would like to read by someone else.
  11. ColdHeartBear

    Ideas for next month's articles.

    Articles: almost certain: 2nd part secret agent., 1st part being a bouncer. (Albeit I have included most of this in a previous series of posts.) Fairly certain: Basic exercises to build explosive power; Followed later by advanced (definitely not for the novice or the careless). I will start on...
  12. ColdHeartBear

    Top 8 Morons of Year 2002

    How about nominations for 2003 and 2004 leaving out the politicians and John Zogby.
  13. ColdHeartBear

    Top 8 Morons of Year 2002

    I like #2 But the trailor was unbelievable!
  14. ColdHeartBear

    man bites dog

    Now that is odd. How big was the guy and how did he get close enough to grab a 3 year old German Shepherd? I question the procedure of the police in this incident.
  15. ColdHeartBear

    Alright all my Brother & Sister MC'ers... Does this count?
  16. ColdHeartBear

    Talking to Harvey earlier.....

    There is a point of returns diminishing to near zero. The question still remains as to when Occam's Razor's end point is approached to the extent that said returns are not worth the investment of effort and/or resources. Occam's Razor is a philosophical description of the following paradox: If...
  17. ColdHeartBear

    Computer security / Email protection

    One proviso regarding authenication. Many of these Clinton appointed judges do not understand the objection and treat as an hearsay objection. One must be prepared to appeal in these circumstances. Be patient. Do not go on the stand trying to win it there and then and destroy the authenication...
  18. ColdHeartBear

    Ideas for next month's articles.

    Bump BTW how about some of you lurkers joining and adding your input to what the next MCMag contains. Kinda sad that only 4 have voted and 1 was me cause that was only way I could see how many voted and what they voted for.
  19. ColdHeartBear

    I am begging you all to please help me

    I have been to Savannah in 1997 june 19 to 2nd week in July. Nasty but standable. Houston in 1st week in July, 1980 and again 1991 august 12th. both times at the airport and local motels. Houston wins the heat and humidity contest for big cities. The real winner was Texarkana, AR 1994 august 1...
  20. ColdHeartBear

    Can anyone get this stuff?

    no. But some have stored it away and might be enticed to sell. Also India has some companies selling knockoffs.