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  1. M

    In need of some serious help concerning TRT

    fix this agitation issue asap. just bank test until resolved.
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    In need of some serious help concerning TRT

    coffee, supplments, herbs, alcohol. I mean everything. I have been on trt for 15 years now, its never been it for me, though I get honary sometimes but not like wolfman/ cut dose if u have to take it. 50 mg a week.
  3. M

    In need of some serious help concerning TRT

    what else are you taking? I mean everything needs to be looked at. I had severe agitation, it was my bp meds. Let half life expire on it, Dont inject again until you fix this. When this happened to me, I just went home and stayed there like the wolfman until the full moon went away. Otherwise...
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    Potato disease

    I moved to Idaho, . I have never ever seen so many people with potato disease. The average adult physique here is that of a large Potato for both male and female adults. I kid you not. I would estimate that it is 8 out of 10 that look like a human potato. What is mind boggling is that when you...
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    want my arms back looking like this

    Goodbye libturd. The true issue is your projection of your issues on to others in the forums. this is a bodybuilding forum, with bodybuilders. We need no help from you. Some young millenial who still lives with mom and dad, no life experience comes here to help us? Nuk wants to look like he did...
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    New Business Idea

    I am starting a new business. I only need a phone. I am calling alzheimers patients and reminding them that they owe me money from long ago.:eek:
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    Ran cycles long ago,never took a PCT like the dumb fuck I am...Help :( :(

    You need to go to a Dr and get checked. do you drink alcohol too? To have a non functioning love muscle at your age it could be many things. Pot for sure can cause this along with many other items. You want to get this fixed. To have nothing of wonder from the land down under is not conducive to...
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    manual labor

    It always feels good to just do so work. Especially when its for yourself. I just got done painting my own house. Best part about this is when I look at it and know I did it. Anyone just enjoy working sometimes?
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    Traveling with prescribed test

    Why not just take a good injection right before you leave. This way you will have one less thing to be bothered with. Its not like the TSA are rocket scientists. The last time I flew I had to much toothpaste and they confiscated it. I had 1 more ounce than i should of and it was not allowed.
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    Rant and PLEASE HELP ME!

    Go talk to her. Set up a meeting and just relay your points and start the appeal with her. Go over the points you feel you were unfairly scored. Argue your case but do so in a manner where you present logic not like some arse just being mad. Ever see someone mad and yelling about things, they...
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    How to get prescribed test: help me find this thread

    Doctors practice what they call factual based medicine. It doesnt matter what your symptoms are to a certain extent. If the blood test shows adequate test levels you will be arse out. You want low test levels for the blood test. So if you want to do this just drink very heavily for a few days...
  12. M

    Joined the local Y.M.C.A. , curious if all YMCA are this big?

    Ymca here in Idaho is awesome. Great big place, great machines, pools and stuff.
  13. M

    TRT Prescription

    fnd an old endo
  14. M

    USA has less Gun violence than Australia

    I have a friend who lives in australia and is all for gun confiscation. I really looked into the true facts. The USA has less gun violence than australia when calculated on the total population. Liberals love to lie and manipulate facts. Here is the real math australia had 230 gun deaths per 25...
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    More Credit card Fraud! This shit is RICH!

    I was just a victim myself. I have 2 cards. One I never use until recently. I was in california having lunch with a friend. I used my other card to pay for the meal. The next day wells fargo called me and told me a fraud alert was made and the card was declined for a purchase. I was on the road...
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    Dominick Cruz: Urijah Faber Can't Improve Because His Ego Won't Let Him

    Uriah has the most submissions in the UFC. These two just do not like each other. This will be a good fight. I like both fighters.
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    Illinois, land of the crooked politicians!!

    Your both wrong. A degree shows completion. Many degree's are worthless. Some are not and securing one can lead to a good job right off the bat. Take a degree in statistics for instance. The unemployment rate for this degree is zero. The same with certain engineering degree's. Problem is these...
  18. M

    Chinese generic hgh are they all shit ?

    Anything to do with chinese can not be trusted. You can not trust their stocks or anything their companies say either. Its all a bunch of lies.
  19. M

    Guy in seattle who climbed 80 ft tree

    Some nut climbs a tree 80 ft high and its all over the news. I guess he pinched a loaf off and sent it down below since he has been up there for like 20 hrs. How crazy is that?:dizzy: