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  1. M

    If you only had 1 form of test?

    Test Cyp, been on 200mg a week for 12 years. Any more and I am nastier than usual.
  2. M


    Bumble Bee at one time was great. In the last 5 or more years it has really just sucked. The only tuna I would buy is albacore from Traders Joes. Bumble Bee is not fit for my dogs, I would give it to stray cats though.
  3. M

    Advice before this white boy handles it?

    Haste makes waste,just plan it out. Years ago I worked for a major Bank and they treated me like dog crap. So i carefully constructed a plan that would cause my boss maximum aggravation. My job was to count checks and match them with the statement and mail them out. At the end of every month we...
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    Dumbass signs in the gym

    I am not very good at not listening. Signs mean nothing to me. I would eat 12 eggs then wait an hour or so. Then I would go to this gym and lay silent stink bombs and clear the place out. - - - Updated - - - They do not like people like us. We are there all the time and using the equipment...
  5. M

    Post worklout nutrition is Dead

    What works for one will not for another. Find what works use it until it stops then changes things up. To me nutrition before or doing will not aid in recovery phase. Training in itself is merely a stimulus for the growth. Rest and nutrition take care of the rest, along with some nice...
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    15 years on HRT, no prostate problem, no hair loss.

    I have 15 years on HRT, still have a full head of hair. My Prostate score actually lowered from 2.0 to 1.0. I also hoarded whole bunch for a nice summer cycle as I always do. Use less in the winter for max summer use. Its the only way to fly.
  7. M

    Money means nothing without health

    Its really nice being back in the swing of things. Getting up early, hitting the gym and working again. It just makes you realize that money without health means crap. I always think about Tony Soprano and his early death at 51. I do mean the actor James Gandolfini. I was born and grew up in New...
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    Been gone for a while But I am back

    Thanks everyone.
  9. M

    WTF!!! Another Card Hit with Fraud! Its INSANE

    I hear you. Recently I wa checking my wife's account and she had some charge for 25 dollars from an Alabama Jail phone charge. We do not know of anyone there. what they do is small fraud charges over a wide spectrum of people. It was her atm card too. It really pays to check every account. You...
  10. M

    went in for a semen analysis today

    give up all booze too. booze shuts down sperm
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    WTF!!! Another Card Hit with Fraud! Its INSANE

    is it an atm check card? I just get the atm card, no check card. I only use it for taking money out, I use the credit card for everything else, so if they steal they steal from the bank and not from me since its the banks money. Is it one of those new chip cards? If not request one.
  12. M

    Been gone for a while But I am back

    Couple tough years for me, back surgery my 4th one in 2014 floored me for like 6 months. I had one month that I couldn't even go get the mail. How lame is that. Then last year I sold my home in california and got out of that pit. Finally convinced the wife to move. All my bitching finally paid...
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    Atheist blogger hacked with machete

    Missing the point, its not liberal dribble . How can you define it as that. People from our country show no respect for others religion. I have no compassion for the dead idiot. If your going to talk shit about things which are important to people you better stay out of their hood. So you...
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    Atheist blogger hacked with machete

    The old saying is, When in Rome do as Romans do. Americans go to different countries and show no respect for the other cultures. In this case totally disrespect their religion. I am not condoning this but people need to show respect. If you dont like something fine just shut up and keep it to...
  15. M

    Cool space pic(black hole)

  16. M

    buggers in the gym

    I dont know where you guys live but here in kalifornia we have a lot of buggers in the gym. I am not talking about nose picking here. I am talking about buggers that are involved in buggery. This is an old British term being used here. :laugh: Are the any buggers in your gym openly flaunting...
  17. M

    BaKblade For the hairy men.

    Wait until you guys get older. My back looks like an Apes. My wife shaves it for me though.
  18. M

    Getting sick after stopping a cycle ??

    I use to know a guy that got sick a great deal every time he was on a cycle. If you have a cold you picked up a virus. Thats all you have to do is touch something someone touched that had their finger up their nose and then touch your nose or mouth area. . Then walla the virus is introduced into...
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    Arnold quote is very true

  20. M

    Getting sick and tired of gyms

    I am getting really sick and tired of gyms. I feel like I have to bring my glock with me to my local gym. The common courtesy once extended is gone. I ask people to work in and they say no. I want to just smash them in the head. I never hit anyone out of anger and do not plan to now. It just...