Getting sick after stopping a cycle ??


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
So I need to ask this, I know there is a link between the immune system and steroids. I stopped my cycle recently and on PCT and did my blood work. I haven't been sick in a long time. Now all of a sudden I have this horrible cold, but when I was on AAS I was around people who were sick all the time and never picked anything up.

Is this a coincidence or do you guys/gals believe there a link and do you know where I can find an research to read while I held up in bed?
Think of your body as a huge interconnected web. When you mess with one portion of the web, all the other parts become affected. If you break one part, the web becomes compromised. Same goes for when you come off bro. You're messing with your hormone levels, which then messes with your endocrine system (which produces your hormones), which then effects your immune system. Try and keep away from sickly ppl.
LOl no doubt. I may have picked it up at the Hospital where I had my bloodwork least its not Ebola..I think
I never get sick on cycle or it's rarely noticeable ! And if I do start feeling a cold or sniffles I ramped up my testosterone and problem solved! Works every time
the only thing I ever normally get sick with is my damn allergies' sinus's and that is damn near constant lol. Luckily I haven't actually been "sick" in 3 years or so "knocks on wood" not my pecker.
I have only got Mildly sick on cycle. It hasn't hindered my training in the past. It seems when I go off cycle I tend to get sick shortly after half the time. Think the juice helps the immune system!

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yeah i think it helps immune system for sure, i can only speak from experience, and i am sure theirs a study out there someplace showing steroids break down your immune system lmao, but from one juicer to another, it has always helped my immune system
I agree with you guys, after all there's so many reasons they are made and what they are "intended" for. Aids wasting, burn victims, boosting immune system...I have read this and I believe it does boost the immune system. I appreciate everyone's input and in my experience when I'm on a cycle I never get sick when I'm off I get small colds but in this case I got the damn flu..I keep thinking if I was still on Deca and Var I would be
I still have the chest crap, coughing out crap in the morning and after Cardio. I was sick for 12 days with it.
I use to know a guy that got sick a great deal every time he was on a cycle. If you have a cold you picked up a virus. Thats all you have to do is touch something someone touched that had their finger up their nose and then touch your nose or mouth area. . Then walla the virus is introduced into your system. its not airborn nectar like TB . You can get that just by being in a room with someone.