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  1. M

    My DNP log

    Don't forget to eat those carbs too, then like an hour later just buckets of sweat. It will definetly save on the heat bill, because you will be like, " Dude shut that damm heat off".
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    Unemployment questions

    One of the strategies they use is to stall and starve people out so dig in deep.
  3. M

    Corey Everson

    She is still hot and one of my favorites from the 80's. Silk you look like her.
  4. M

    Put your guns on the front porch , for collection

    Put you guns on the front porch during the night and we will collect them, no questions asked. Adolph Hitler, Nazi Germany
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    Lets talk....Carbohydrates

    Most of us are combinations of ecto meso endo. I myself am an endo meso. I get fat as hell if I dont workout. Like Presser said, eat what works for you.
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    Gold and Silver

    What they are doing is causing this, they want it to fail. How else can they justify the spending, I mean come on 1.5 million for studying obese lesbians.
  7. M

    My DNP log

    You going to be so tired and just breathing and sweating so be real careful.
  8. M

    finally got a job.

    Its not so much money from working its also having something to do.
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    HGH Likes Dislikes, How'd it work?

    There is certain percentage of people it does nothing for. Also if you have a tumor it will make it grow. The Gut grows to a huge size. All organs have receptor sites for the HGH and all organs will grow as well as the stomach. Some guy's really take on it and get ripped and massive. Same with...
  10. M

    Fake gold coin from real one

    LooK at the face and thigh, see the fake one.Also if you bounce it fake one makes a thud.
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    Gold and Silver

    You guys know I am a technical trader. Look for gold to test 1040 maybe lower also silver to test 8ish. I just test bought a gold coin from this company to see if it was legit. It was company is I have no connection to them. I actually gave the coin to my wife, she took it. maybe I'll...
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    Global Warming

    The finite amount of oil is debatable. First off oil and it being a fossil fuel is not fact but merely theory. There is information that oil is abiotic and formed from the mantle of the earth. So the earth produces it and there is not a limited supply. In fact more oil is created oil the time...
  13. M

    Global Warming

    The global cooling that happened years ago was caused by an asteroid that hit the earth. The ensuing calamity caused giant ash covering of the earth which blocked the sun for years. So they say anyway.
  14. M

    What The Democratic Party has given us.

    The Democratic Party is responsible for first voting in the Federal Reserve act of 1913. Then the following year they gave us the income tax act of 1914. Prior to 1914 there was no federal Tax.:angry: The Federal Reserve act was suppose to put stability in The banking sector and avoid potential...
  15. M

    I may have torn or detached left tricep, anyone here familair w/this??

    You have the right attitude and moniker, " Survivor". The MRi will show, body heals though slower at our age. My wifes friend just had to stop working at age 50 due to MS. He has trouble walking. You'll be fine, I just had my 4th back surgery and my last one. Im fat now but getting back in...
  16. M

    Global Warming

    1970's: Global Cooling was encompassing the Planet, we were all going to freeze to death 1980's: Acid Rain was going to kill us all, hear anything about this one lately. I remember it because I did a paper on it in University. 1990's to 2014: Global Warming, We will sweat our nuts off and die...
  17. M

    Having some fun with protein gas attacks

    Years ago when i went clubbing, i would ingest like 100 grams protien, then head out hours later to a night club. Obviously it was packed. . I would always go up to groups or tables, then as music was loud I would point my ass close to the table group. remember there where many people around so...
  18. M

    What's the maximum amount of protein you ingest at once

    It depends It all dpends on what works for you, I know if I take in 100 grams per serving I can clear out a whole grocery isle with ass gass.
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    damn hillbillys

    truth is you have seen nothing yet., What your seeing is the result of things place in our system years ago, ,much much more is coming. prepare
  20. M

    44 year old on TRT

    look Ive been on it 10+ years. If your going to use the cream, get a script for the desired strength solution and go to compound pharmacy and have them make it up. the cost is 50 bucjks a month, they can custom make any solution. I use 7.5 %. Phawk axiom. its the exact same thing 10 times less ...