finally got a job.


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I finally started working yesterday after 2 months since we moved. Got lucky and a old friend got me a job in shipping with him. The place stays at 77 degress year round, they pay for my health insurance, let me wear whatever I want to work and no weekend work. Granted I'm not making a killing, but I'm happy. Plus I dont have to make a lot because my wife is making a killing as a nurse. Now I'm getting close to the light at the end of the tunnel or I'm slowly dying and just dont know it.
If its honest work then there is nothing wrong with it. Congrats.

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If its honest work then there is nothing wrong with it. Congrats.
I finally started working yesterday after 2 months since we moved. Got lucky and a old friend got me a job in shipping with him. The place stays at 77 degress year round, they pay for my health insurance, let me wear whatever I want to work and no weekend work. Granted I'm not making a killing, but I'm happy. Plus I dont have to make a lot because my wife is making a killing as a nurse. Now I'm getting close to the light at the end of the tunnel or I'm slowly dying and just dont know it.

Its probably a Train Coming lol, at least that is my luck!
Enjoy it. I do very well for myself, but i can never enjoy it. I typically work seven days per week and more than 12 hour per day running a large facility. Plus i get calls all night when issues arise. It is not worth it. I am hoping to make a big change soon. The money does not matter. Enjoy life.
Enjoy it. I do very well for myself, but i can never enjoy it. I typically work seven days per week and more than 12 hour per day running a large facility. Plus i get calls all night when issues arise. It is not worth it. I am hoping to make a big change soon. The money does not matter. Enjoy life.
Excellent point! Money does not matter at the expense of your health because at the end all that money will go towards your Med bills. I wish you all the best Bro!
Was thinking about this while I was at work today.

I graduated in March with my masters in Econ Development and nonprofit management. I wasn't able to land a gig and my saving was running out so I took a temp job at a local museum here in San Diego to keep me afloat.

While I'm working at the museum, I"m trying to get an internship going. Hoping to volunteer some hours at a local nonprofit but at the same time do some quality work and projects that I can add to my resume.

But man... it sucks having to do this. Like, still having to volunteer my time somewhere to build up my resume more. But, I gotta do what I gotta do. Just got to pay my dues, I guess.