Search results

  1. Scout200

    What do you work on most at the gym?

    Finish this sentence: At the gym, you'll most likely find me working on ___________
  2. Scout200

    In need of a NEW protein powder flavor

    Right now, I have chocolate whey protein but to be completely honest, I don't really like the taste... What other flavors would you recommend that taste good?
  3. Scout200

    9-5 Plans

    Nice, you're quite fortunate! :)
  4. Scout200

    9-5 Plans

    I'm sure a lot of you are like me and are in an office for the majority of the day. What is your nutrition schedule like? What snacks do you have during the workday? What meals do you have before heading to the gym after leaving work? I was just wondering how you get everything you need...
  5. Scout200

    Let the New Year Rush Begin!

    You brought up a good point... when you see a newbie doing something improper (ie bad form) or dangerous, do you speak up or just let them be?
  6. Scout200

    Let the New Year Rush Begin!

    Ha, Very true! The New Year Rush can last about a month... the dedicated New Year Rush group lasts about 2 months. lol!
  7. Scout200

    Let the New Year Rush Begin!

    Now that the New Year began, I'm sure you're aware that the gym gets busy... Do you feel more motivated to go to the gym when the New Years resolution people come to workout or do you feel more discouraged?
  8. Scout200

    How often do you cheat?

    Wow, seriously?!?! lol
  9. Scout200

    How often do you cheat?

    Several people believe that you need to have a "cheat day" or a "cheat meal" to stay sane lol. Do you have a cheat day or cheat meal. If so, how often?
  10. Scout200

    How much time do you spend working out?

    I know people who practically live at the gym but I'm sure several of you know that working out longer than an hour can cause your body to start producing more lactic acid, cortisol, along with other things... Personally speaking, once I get going - it's hard to stop. How much time do you...
  11. Scout200

    Good Nutrition/Pressed for time - Advice needed

    It has come to my attention that I should probably be eating something in the mornings lol... Right now, I’m trying find a way that works well for me and my busy (and typically hectic) schedule. Usually in the mornings, I don’t have much time to do anything besides get my family and I ready...
  12. Scout200

    Holidays: To Diet or Not?

    No, not depressed!! LOL I've always struggled eating clean through the holiday season - the food is great and there's tons of it, too! lol
  13. Scout200

    Holidays: To Diet or Not?

    Amidst the holiday season, do you maintain your diet through the holidays or do you cheat? Especially over Thanksgiving, I found it difficult to "stay on track"... What methods do you use to overcome those holiday pounds? -Scout
  14. Scout200

    Frequency of changing routines?

    Awesome, thanks! :)
  15. Scout200

    Frequency of changing routines?

    Thanks for your insight, guys. I was just wondering if "muscle confusion" theory holds any water...
  16. Scout200

    Frequency of changing routines?

    How frequently should I change my weight lifting routine? Should I constantly change it up to keep my muscles guessing or should I keep at it until I hit a plateau? -Scout
  17. Scout200

    What Pumps You Up?

    Here's a portion of my selection: -All That Remains -Amon Amarth, -August Burns Red -Beneath the Sky -Destroy The Runner -Ensiferum -Killswitch Engage -Linkin Park -LL Cool J - It's Time for War -Metallica -Trivium -Vince Dicola - the "War" theme song from Rocky -War of Ages That's just a few...
  18. Scout200

    What Pumps You Up?

    Nice list!!