Holidays: To Diet or Not?


New member
Amidst the holiday season, do you maintain your diet through the holidays or do you cheat? Especially over Thanksgiving, I found it difficult to "stay on track"... What methods do you use to overcome those holiday pounds?

FUCK I totaly read this thread title wrong, I thought it said "Holidays: to Die or Not" lmao, i thought we had a guy depressed for the holidays asking for reasons to live,lol, fuck bro that bugged me out,lol

anyways bro unless your in show prep mode I think everyone cheats during the Holidays , from amature to pros!
I'm not super strict with my diet like some are but during the holidays I eat whatever I want.
FUCK I totaly read this thread title wrong, I thought it said "Holidays: to Die or Not" lmao, i thought we had a guy depressed for the holidays asking for reasons to live,lol, fuck bro that bugged me out,lol

anyways bro unless your in show prep mode I think everyone cheats during the Holidays , from amature to pros! contest mode= time to eat...I call it 'speeding up my metabolism" for the holidays.
FUCK I totaly read this thread title wrong, I thought it said "Holidays: to Die or Not" lmao, i thought we had a guy depressed for the holidays asking for reasons to live,lol, fuck bro that bugged me out,lol

anyways bro unless your in show prep mode I think everyone cheats during the Holidays , from amature to pros!

No, not depressed!! LOL I've always struggled eating clean through the holiday season - the food is great and there's tons of it, too! lol
Hi All,
I mostly cheat on holidays as I went to gym 5 days and took 2 days off.
But I do cardio exercise on these 2 days at home.
If you aren't dieting for a competition and you want to enjoy some of the food, I don't see why you should torture yourself. You don't have to all-out gorge either! You could always pre-plan that to be a cheat day too and do low carb in the days before/after. I always feel better when I train/do cardio on big holidays too... my stomach isn't used to eating such a volume of food, so it definitely makes me want to get some blood pumping/moving those days to feel better and not so fat/full. Ugh... terrible feeling (maybe not for you guys, but for me!)
I enjoy the holidays. I eat & exercise the same way I do all year long., allowing for a little extra when I celebrate with my family on Thanksgiving and Christmas. When you’re living healthy and fit, the concept of cheating doesn’t apply.