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  1. DecaDent*


    Femara is by far the best IMO.
  2. DecaDent*

    GHRELIN....the next anabolic?

    Press,I'll try and find an article thats not as technical. The initial studies done related it to hunger and obesity as it is also a potent appetite stimulant. Only with in the last few months has it's HGH releasing abilities been researched and proven,so most of the laypress articles focus on...
  3. DecaDent*

    GHRELIN....the next anabolic?

    Here's a new drug that you probably haven't run across,Ghrelin., Administered either systemically or centrally,ghrelin exerts potent, time-dependent GH-releasing activity under physiological conditions. It's a research drug right now and I have some rats that appear Ghrelin deficent :satan...
  4. DecaDent*

    Way to take liquid clomid w/o the bad taste

    If liquid clomid came in an "ass flavor" it would still taste better than the plain stuff. I'll try the V8 method,thanks!
  5. DecaDent*

    Who's going to the NC Metrolina in Concord, NC?

    I hate to miss it but I have work all friggin day this Saturday. It was a good show last year,y'all will have a great time.
  6. DecaDent*

    T3 & T4

    Right on target digdan, T4 slowly converts to the active form of thyroid hormone T3. So T4 is almost the equivalent of a "prohormone". Never combine the two.
  7. DecaDent*


    Grapefruit by it's action on enzymes in the digestive system and liver has complex effects. There is enchanced release of CCK with grapefruit and CCK is an appetite suppresant. The main interest in grapefruit as some of you have pointed out,is it's ability to alter druig metabolism,again this...
  8. DecaDent*

    hows this cycle sound

    Depending on the concentration 3cc per shot per ass cheek per week is a safe max. If volume is a problem go oral with the winny. Oral dosing is best when you split it up into 2-3 doses per day;again,due to the short 8-12 hour halflife. The halflife of injectible is longer than the often quoted...
  9. DecaDent*

    still doubting my cycle...

    Nice cycle gymrat put together! I'd consider the winnie as optional and I personally would leave it off,but I'm not a winnie fan.....(the drug that is....not the Mod who goes by the 'w' name.....:D
  10. DecaDent*

    whats up!!!

    Welcome 2MC!
  11. DecaDent*

    looking for gyno surgery alternatives

    Hannibal Lecter: And be grateful. Our scars have the power to remind us that the past was real. And another one from Red Dragon:(sorry to get so far off topic....) Will Graham: I thought you might enjoy the challenge. Find out if you're smarter than the person I'm looking for. Hannibal...
  12. DecaDent*

    looking for gyno surgery alternatives

    Whew,good to hear cuz I thought we'd been down this road before ;) ADD doesn't discriminate so just making sure. No magician other than a surgeon will be able to pull this rabbit outta your pec. Oh funny visual though,feeding your excised fiberous/connective tissue to the good Doctor...
  13. DecaDent*

    looking for gyno surgery alternatives

    Once it's "hard" it's more likely fiberous/connective tissue(a close cousin to scar tissue) than it is glandular (hormonally responsive) breast at this point surgery is really the only option that has any chance of sucess ,IMO. Creams,anti-E's,papal exorcism and anything else...
  14. DecaDent*

    3rd cycle advice

    I'd drop the winny entirely for this bulk cycle and run just prop for the extra two weeks that Gear is talkin about while the Deca self tapers it will keep your test levels high and allow you to start right into post cycle therapy,keeping more gains that way.
  15. DecaDent*

    How does this cycle look?

    I agree with Gear on this one,350/week is the low end for a precycle 194# weight
  16. DecaDent*

    Planned Cycle and Questions

    Hope that helps,good luck with the cycle!
  17. DecaDent*

    Day two of PGF2 supplementation

    Thought I'd add this as far as pain goes bigjosh,: You will also notice that once you have injected PGF2A, the muscle, which received it, gets sore almost immediately. If the muscle was already sore from training, that painful sensation may become very intense. You definitely do not want to...
  18. DecaDent*

    kids say the darndest things

    Funny stuff!
  19. DecaDent*

    doing a full cycle with (almost) no sex???

    I hope it works out for the both of you W-Al. If she's masturbating during this stressful time it sounds like she may have intimacy issues more so than just sexual drive issues. Maybe explore massage therapy together or some form of pleasurable shared physical experience that isn't centered...
  20. DecaDent*

    Summer is coming so...... who is on?

    Just finished week 1 of 12 :D A custom blend of prop enhanced cyp and EQ to start then I'll be adding some Tren and changing the cyp to prop/susp for the last 6 weeks. This is my favorite combo!