3rd cycle advice


New member
Hey bros !!

I'm planning to start my third cycle soon. Ended my second one back in December. My first two cycles looked as follows:

Week 1-08 250mg sust/week
Week 1-08 200mg winny/week

week 1-10 500mg sust/week
week 1-10 300mg deca/week
week 1-04 50mg/day anadrol

For my third cycle I was thinking of switching it up a bit to something like this:


week 1-10 750mg Durateston
week 1-10 400mg Deca durabolin
week 7-13 50mg/day winstrol
week 1-04 50mg/day anadrol

36 years old, 220 lbs, +/- 8 years of training...

PS: Clomid therapy after cycle and nolvadex on hands just in case.

Any critiques are greatly appreciated,

Thanks in advance.

I've got good results from my second cycle. I gained 15 pounds and kept most of it.

It's a very powerful oral androgenic, this stuff is pretty hard and blows like hell. It's very good to kick start the cycle.

I increased the test dosage this time, because of my age/weight, and in my opinion there is no reason to take a min amont of test.

Peace out,

If the drol didn't kick your ass the first go 'round, I'd up the dose to around 100mg/ed. I took just over that amount and had great strength gains, but the overall shitty feeling wasn't worth it......fina for me from here on out - that stuff's the SHIT
I would say that I responded very well to it, had some side effects that anadrol is supposed to cause, but the strength gain in the beginning of cycle is worthwhile.

I'd drop the winny entirely for this bulk cycle and run just prop for the extra two weeks that Gear is talkin about while the Deca self tapers it will keep your test levels high and allow you to start right into post cycle therapy,keeping more gains that way.

I'm afraid that 12 weeks is a long time to be on test.

Does anyone agree with me ???

Peace out,

I've done 2 cycles of 12wks with test eth 400mg and 600mg/wk- using the anti e's right off the bat I had no sides at all. Used hgh and clomid post-cycle- kept 75% of my gains and nuts came back after about 1month. Just my experience.
12 week bro.. do what you feel comfromable with....i'm 30ml off a 50ml bottle of QV at 750 a week... so i'm in week 10 and have 6 weeks left..
Krom said:

I'm afraid that 12 weeks is a long time to be on test.

Does anyone agree with me ???

Peace out,

No, but some people may say that 11 out of 13 weeks is a lot to be on orals. Better have some ala (or some other liver protectant) thrown in there as well.