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  1. DecaDent*

    wots missing?

    Your in dire need of an antiE like arimidex or femara IMO. Secondarily,I'd also have some Nolva around for a "just in case" scenario.
  2. DecaDent*

    1st cycle opinions

    Some good advise so far. I'm essentailly going to say the same thing. I'd run the 400/400 like you planned for the 10 weeks. With the extra 4ml's of cyp,I'd shoot 1ml extra per week weeks 1+2...that will get levels up quicker,and I'd do the last 2ml's spread into week 11 to coincide with the...
  3. DecaDent*

    Filter Needles for Amps/Homebrews

    Filter Needles for Amps/Homebrews Becton Dickinson & Co. makes a pin with a built in 5 micron filter in the barrel. They are great for amps(no need to worry about drawing up a glass shard) and great for extra level of protection when drawing up homebrews(one more chance to filter). I got some...
  4. DecaDent*

    Need some cheering up bro's.

    Hope things turn around for you bro. Stay strong and try not to dwell on things that you can't change and focus on the things you can. I sent a prayer your way,hope you find peace.
  5. DecaDent*

    next cycle to begin in 3 weeks. opinions?

    I'd drop the winny. To many sides for the small gains and you already have 3 drugs going with the cyp/eq/tren(great combo). So drop the winnie :D and your good IMO.
  6. DecaDent*


  7. DecaDent*


    Fina has the potential for more acute side effects and reactions and has to be injected at least every other day to be effective. I wouldn't recommend it as a 1st cycle.
  8. DecaDent*

    MC Brotha Needs Advice

    TestE is fine but run arimidex 0.5mg ED the whole way thru up until your last day of clomid. You may not even need the Nolva.
  9. DecaDent*

    MADz Appreciation POST!!!!

    Goodluck with your Chemistry Career,off to a great start!
  10. DecaDent*

    Mad has not lost 1pound on keto diet so far.

    use calipers and the mirror...not the scale to measure your progress
  11. DecaDent*


    All clean and shiney again bro, apologies a second time
  12. DecaDent*

    how long does test en ?

    Give it a try,Frontload with prop 100mg EOD for the 1st 10 days.Start it the same day you begin your testE.
  13. DecaDent*

    Help with a cycle

    Deca gyno is felt to be primarily progesterone receptor mediated,that's why nolva isn't effective.
  14. DecaDent*


    I know I'm a fuckup on this one,Check your PM bro
  15. DecaDent*

    How many cycles do you guys have under the belt and stats.

    4 cycles 5'10 230# 8% No more bulking for me,I feel much better at 215# so I'm going to drift back down and then stay cut.
  16. DecaDent*

    Research results on reversal HPTA

    Nice article. Bump
  17. DecaDent*

    Need help from all the experts

    It won't be in the system for 60 days....more like 3 days after your last shot...that's the whole reason your looking at eod at a minimum for tren/prop.
  18. DecaDent*

    Liquid Cialis

    I can lead my horse to Cialis but I can't make him drink,......I have to drink it. ;) Your horse must do more tricks than mine prez :D
  19. DecaDent*

    not hungry

    Eat nutritionally dense foods,if your trying to bulk you shouldn't wait until your hungry,eat around the clock on a schedule. I never allow myself to feel hunger if I'm bulking.
  20. DecaDent*

    Need help from all the experts

    Tren for just 4 weeks is a bit short,IMO. Consider just prop if you want to jump start....OR Deca 400 weeks 1-8 TestE 400 weeks 1-8 Tren/Prop weeks 6-11 Start clomid 2 days after last Tren/prop,that way you'll keep gains easier and get your test back naturally as the compounds will all be...