how long does test en ?


New member
How long does test en take to get into your system?
Could you run some prop at the begining before test en kicks in?
if so, how long could you run the prop?
was thinking about 600mg wk of test en. if that makes a diff of how long.
i believe it is 2-3 weeks until you start seeing the far as frontloading.....what were u thinking about doing (mg's)??
It usually takes about 4 weeks to kick in. At least in my experience.

Sure you can front load with prop, just like deca dent said.
Cool, I was thinking of running 75mg ed for first 2-3wks
and the test en at 600mg wk plus Im doing eq and later fina and prop with winny
you will start seeing changes after the first week.. but they will be small. 2 to 3 wks before your blood is at full max concentration.
This is when you should see the most gains...
I usually don't notice the effects until wk 3 or 4. I front loaded with Prop (for 3 weeks) on my most recent cycle and saw effects immediately.
Are you guys seriously telling me that you gained no muscle mass until those later weeks?