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  1. superchicken


    drab, you said shbg levels are lower on cycle, i thought if test was included shbg would rise? why is it lower?
  2. superchicken

    yo newbies

    i also think people could gain more naturally if they ate enough, its so easy to just think youve hit a plateu but it may be your not eating enough
  3. superchicken


    ive heard a few times prov binds to shbg, which in theroy would allow more test to be free and be used for building muscle. i dont see it being a huge diff though, im sure it helps but if it really helped that much i think more people would have noticed better gains, also introducing it say 1/2...
  4. superchicken

    The best looking wet pussy ever

    yeah you would like that press :D
  5. superchicken

    1-1.5 lbs a day?

    maybe for a few days but i dont think you could keep losing that much for more than a wk or so. i think 1 lb of fat is about 3000-4000 cals or so, so maybe 1/2 lb of fat, a lil lost muscle, and the rest water, but thats a shit load of cals to burn a day!
  6. superchicken

    What does winny powder look like?

    i looked up stan in the merc 12th edition and it said mp was 229-242c. i converted it to f and i got 450-470, is my conv wrong?
  7. superchicken

    What does winny powder look like?

    the winny i have is a very soft and white powder, its similar to flour. it should melt at about 450-470 f. oven temps vary ALOT. my winny turned carmel color and melted at about 400 f. i used 2 diff oven thermometers, so i think it was somewhat accurate, but i wouldnt be suprised if my readings...
  8. superchicken


    bac bac i mean back lol
  9. superchicken

    UPS Shipping

    yeah man im getting worried, things have been taking a long time to get to me, and it makes ya worry when its an expensive tv :D
  10. superchicken

    I want this car

    i built a big block for my malibu, it engine dynoed at about 525 horse at 6600rpm. it hauls ass, the cam sounds awesome
  11. superchicken

    GH ?

    if possible id put it in the fridge, the only thing you will do is keep it more potent. i dont thik it will get destroyed at room temp, but it may lose a lil potency over time
  12. superchicken is gone for good!

    oh yeah thats right bass, i forget that often cause of his diff name there.
  13. superchicken

    1 ? from me and 1 from my friend

    cialis is kinda like viagra, but much better imo. theres tons written on it, try a search bro youll get tons of info. ive never experienced any sides at all, it wil be prescibed here in the usa very soon as a competitor to viagra.
  14. superchicken is gone for good!

    id imagine its gonna sell for 10-20k. i think bolex sold for something like that, and it had a similar amount of members. lewd is a mod on anabolicreview, id imagine hell hang out there. small just became a mod on dreams board, so hell prob be there alot.
  15. superchicken is gone for good!

    yeah all the newbies are gonna scatter to other boards.
  16. superchicken

    This is quick, and downright hilarious

    oh man you have no idea how funny i thought that shit was, i really like the keyboard with just controll alt delete on it lol
  17. superchicken

    Hey guys just read a good post...

    thegame had a friend who just went to mexican jail after walking out of the store with gear, its this god damn whole ttokkyo publicity ordeal causing this. be carefull bros, i know its cheaper in mex for most of you, but right now its worth the extra cash for domestic, trust me, you dont wanna...
  18. superchicken

    1 ? from me and 1 from my friend

    cialis is a wonder drug for those with messed up sexual function from aas. its the ultimate band aid, err or cruth however you wanna look at it :D
  19. superchicken


    its obviously bad for the liver as said above, and i think i heard it also lowers protein synthesis. my biggest prob with it is first of all that night i wont be eating good since im drinking and not eating protein. second the next day i feel like sit, dont eat well due to lowered appetite, and...