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  1. *Claire*

    Lower body fat...

    good info bad for hormonaly challenged chicas like myself
  2. *Claire*

    What do you women like???

    until shiko, i preferred tall and lanky with abs and a tan. course i dated ravers who tend to be skinny from the drugs and such but yeah, i prefer a big guy, need a big ol' bicep to hang onto. plus skinny guys can't catch you and make you look gracefull if you start to fall on the dance floor...
  3. *Claire*

    New Device Allows Gals To Pee Like Guys

    first: icky. 2: they have paper ass gaskets for a reason. C: as for practicing at home, I share a bathroom with two boys. they piss in the sink, the shower and every once in a while they aim for the toilet. operative word here is AIM, there's enough mess as it is, why would i want to add to that?
  4. *Claire*

    FU friday !

    i did the thank you thing first so i really would be in a bad mood if i did this before bedtime I really think that it should be FU mondays. They suck way more than fridays.
  5. *Claire*

    The Mommy Test

    that made me laugh harder than i have in a long time. kids are so damn awesome
  6. *Claire*

    favorit Ice Cream

    I can't eat but about 1 scoop at a time, just isn't my thing so a favorite doesn't really apply chunky monkey (ben&jerrys) cherry Garcia (b&Js) bryers vanilla bean every once in a while i crave a mcdonalds vanilla cone<----bad very bad claire! but i do have a good question: cone or dish?
  7. *Claire*

    Urinalysis test

    I haven't heard that since high school. thanks!
  8. *Claire*

    20 reasons why chocolate is better

    both at the same time constitutes sensory overload and no one is concentrating. but the hershey's shell topping is great for that sort of thing
  9. *Claire*

    What kind of fetish do u have?

    body tape it's mutipurpose stockings and garder-belts I just feel sexy.
  10. *Claire*

    Mens Cologne

    I like Curve. if the body chemistry reacts the right way. it smells weird on chicks. and honestly i love the deodorant too. Axe is great. anything that covers up the smell of winnie.
  11. *Claire*

    What's your strongest bodypart ladies??

    legs, but i got achillies tendonitis in basic and so i have weird looking ankles due to compensation. but i try not to miss leg day. its my favorite.
  12. *Claire*

    what attracted you to your current significant other?

    it was girly i was taught to shake hands firmly my boss (a woman) also shakes firmly it's necessary in cooporate america
  13. *Claire*


    fleamarket's closed for the fair WeirdAl, could we get an idea of time, also wine selection, for me and the wife, so ask her thanks mall to get some stuff no work on monday. no kids either nursing my ulcer with wine and tortilla chips with hot sauce! Dreamcatcher- i consider myself a critic of...
  14. *Claire*

    FU Friday

    forgot one FU heather for getting to escort Bruce Willis around the post stupid B
  15. *Claire*

    what attracted you to your current significant other?

    lets get something straight. my goal was to make him cry. i had found the key to making men fall in love with me i admit, he seemed a challenge considering he had to duck to get all of his huge head in the door(ego joke) after the girly handshake i didn't worry too much though then some time...
  16. *Claire*

    3 ways

    I appreciate knowing that i'm not the only girl left who doesn't want to share. to me it's like when you get a really cool toy for xmas or bday and then you take it to school and after everyone else plays with it, it's not so special anymore.
  17. *Claire*

    The person below!

    should this sound like a centerfold profile? I'm 21 2 eventual step children (all the benefits, none of the stretchmarks) cat named ted. 125lbs five tattoos and several piercings car=honda civic del sol, skittles green
  18. *Claire*

    The person above 2

    ^likes prison movies
  19. *Claire*

    FU Friday

    FU Simmi for going to work at my branch when i was gracious enough to come help your short staffed piece of S**t. FU Matt and Tim for letting my branch stay short staffed for more than 6mos FU Tim for not automatically giving me the mgr position FU unnamed corporation for being just like the...
  20. *Claire*

    Merry Monday MC

    I tend to have bad days when the first word out of my mouth is F**K! I woke up late. And while all of you were saying good morning, I was being told that i'd lost one more employee today. After my manager quit friday. no don't get me wrong, i went to work with a good attitude. and i...