3 ways

NOt me, i dont share my lady with anyone, even another lady. Say what you want but ive turned down this oppurtunity twice and i dont regret it.
pudgy said:
NOt me, i dont share my lady with anyone, even another lady. Say what you want but ive turned down this oppurtunity twice and i dont regret it.

Another one, shyone!!!!! They are around, they are not in hiding!!! :thumbsup: ;)
its not that thier arent real men all over this board we are all real men. Its just that some think differently and are just that blunt. Chances are they will never meet you face to face so they dont care what they say. then there are some like myself who has faults, but never acts like an ass anywhere, Its about morals huh chelle? ;)
strider said:
its not that thier arent real men all over this board we are all real men. Its just that some think differently and are just that blunt. Chances are they will never meet you face to face so they dont care what they say. then there are some like myself who has faults, but never acts like an ass anywhere, Its about morals huh chelle? ;)

yes, it is, but everyone has different ones too.
I just happen to really like yours when it comes to this subject. :)
ok hmm where to start from here....

ok *claire* read this the other day and we talked about it and we came to this end we have a great sex life there is nothing we would not try to make the other one happy we do all kinds of things role play,watch movies (adult) together toys, ect.. this question was not about shareing one or the other with someone else but shareing something together I would never ask her to do anything that she was not ok with 1000% she has thought about being with another girl and I am ok with that but I did not want to let her do that with out me I thought we could share the experience together thats all now I have read your replys and thought about this long and hard and this is just something that we together are not ready for and may never be and if that is all it takes to not ruin our relationship then that is fine with me
it was just a fantasy and will stay only one ! thanks for all your comments

and most of all thank you for not passing judgement it is good to be able to have a place you can go and ask stuff that is on your mind without fear of being made an ass thanks !

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good decision

good decision - you will have no regrets - usually leads to messed up relationship.

shiko24 said:
ok hmm where to start from here....

ok *claire* read this the other day and we talked about it and we came to this end we have a great sex life there is nothing we would not try to make the other one happy we do all kinds of things role play,watch movies (adult) together toys, ect.. this question was not about shareing one or the other with someone else but shareing something together I would never ask her to do anything that she was not ok with 1000% she has thought about being with another girl and I am ok with that but I did not want to let her do that with out me I thought we could share the experience together thats all now I have read your replys and thought about this long and hard and this is just something that we together are not ready for and may never be and if that is all it takes to not ruin our relationship then that is fine with me
it was just a fantasy and will stay only one ! thanks for all your comments

and most of all thank you for not passing judgement it is good to be able to have a place you can go and ask stuff that is on your mind without fear of being made an ass thanks !

Well, I'm with Pudgy on this one........no way would I share my wife with anyone - either guy or girl

If that's what she wanted, she'd have to leave me and go find it with someone else.

I agree with Munkeee as well, if she really cared for me then she'd never even consider another partner in the mix - we should be enough for each other. If not, the relationship just ain't as strong as we're fooling ourselves into believing.
I'am orta running own the mddile on this one
my opinion is that if u are asking her to share you than you shoul be as qually comfortable with sharing her
i'am usaually a sharing person (shareing means careing and all )
om things i don't share though MY weed,My t.ve,MY mom , an MY WOMN DANG IT .:p
I appreciate knowing that i'm not the only girl left who doesn't want to share.

to me it's like when you get a really cool toy for xmas or bday and then you take it to school and after everyone else plays with it, it's not so special anymore.
shyone said:
I have known couples to do this and later on they are no longer a couple - I wonder why?
Because it is a relationship killer, at least for the vast majority of people. We enter into close relationships with people because we want to feel a special bond. A feeling that we are something to each other that goes beyond what we feel for others in our lives. We want to have the trust that we are as special to them as they are to us. Having sex is the most intimate act two people can engage in. If it is something that you know is reserved just for you, it makes you feel like you matter to your partner in a way that no one else does. It becomes a gift that you know is your alone because of the way you feel about each other. Not that we never find other people attractive, but that sexual intimacy is the one part of my/your life that is given to the other and is then theirs.
How emotionally attracted would you be to someone who is putting out all over town? In the extreme case consider a prostitute. They may be very nice people, but would you feel comfortable being emotionally commited to one? Why not?
I think this is why sometimes it is uncomfortable to be in the presence of a loved one's ex.
Not sure if any of this makes sense to anyone else, but it does to me. And that is what I think. :D
Short answer; its like Bigshug said. I don't share and I don't EVER give the impression that I'm interested in anything outside of my relationship.

Try to remember that the above is from someone twice divorced and recently given the heave-ho by a gf. :laugh: It's just possible that I'm as full of shit as a Christmass goose, but that's my take on it.