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  1. Charliebrawn

    MC IGF-1 Is No Joke.

    While we are about IGF and epidural, I thought I'll chime in too. Just got epidural shot a month ago for my lower back. It felt great the next couple weeks but now it's hit and miss everyday. Not sure why the fck Wish I could experiment with 10 days of follistatin followed by 10 days of IGF 1...
  2. Charliebrawn

    Who walks instead of running for cardio?

    I love sprinting and would do it whenever my knee and back allows it. Else bike is safe option. Tho now that I am fairly lean I only do HIT style cardio. I have come to believe it is superior method. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Charliebrawn

    Big n wv's aqua-burn and Cyto-burn protocol

    Lol true! Thanks man, tho I didn't knew both the IDs are yours lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Charliebrawn

    Big n wv's aqua-burn and Cyto-burn protocol

    Thanks Press, I got it straightened out :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Charliebrawn

    Big n wv's aqua-burn and Cyto-burn protocol

    Hey bro, I am using the protocol you posted for cyber supplements aqua and Cyto burn. As I understand aqua is just a slow release ephidrine and Cyto is T3. So I was wondering if I can add Clen and yohimbine to it? If anyone else got ideas please feel free to chime in. Cheers, Sent from...
  6. Charliebrawn

    For Presser

    Bahaahaa and what would be the fun in that big guy!? Just let her know you are preparing a "big" gift for her b'day lol I'm sure she'd blush ;) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Charliebrawn

    chronic dry eyes from prolonged steroid use?

    Central serous retinopathy ( I got diagnosed with Central serous retinopathy after I was having trouble seeing from left eye. Colour seemed darker, depth perception was off, slight blur causing face recognition a challenge from more...
  8. Charliebrawn

    Ramy, 100lbs in 1.5yrs!!!

    Follistatin gotta do that trick I've been up to 255-257 morning weight last year but then I wondered what good it was as I was not as athletic, given that I'm martial artist it's important to me to be able to kick ass and not get winded in 2 flight of stairs. Hence I figured around 225ish...
  9. Charliebrawn

    For Presser

    Get your wifey to buy you a Penomet ;) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Charliebrawn

    Exposure to Performance-Enhancing Drugs May Be Permanently 'Remembered' by Muscle

    Crank for a better future lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Charliebrawn

    Upper Chest?

    Same and then I see these 160 pounder Cross fit kids with overall flat chest but decent upper chest seperation wearing deep v cut tshirts and I'm like wtf But what started working for me is turning the dumbbell at contraction, FST 7 style sets and high reps on cable crossovers. But it's still...
  12. Charliebrawn

    Anyone ever Hire an Escort?

    Lol you guys! Here in Vancouver they all smoke pot out in open lol cops got better shit to do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Charliebrawn

    Trenbolone Acetate

    Thanks Mrbigz! Tren at 700 is a bit scary lol most I've ran is 400 Press, winny drys out my joints and makes em prone to injury. Tho I used to like dry look from winny. But with this trio, I'm also gonna be running Clen and t3 for 40 days. And I'll add Adex later too. I'm hoping to build...
  14. Charliebrawn

    Trenbolone Acetate

    Ditto brother! Carb cycle works like charm for me too. I'd much rather eat a big carb meal before and after the workout then all day thru. In fact I find on my other meals such a breakfast if I just do protein and fat, my energy is consistent and I don't feel bloated. I tried it after I heard...
  15. Charliebrawn

    Pet peeves (the kind that make you want to hit someone) 2013

    What I absolutely can not stand and get shaky out of rage is people munching loudly on something such as gum or any food stuff. Man oh man, I have even thought of clocking my father in my dreams for that lol Bitches who are so fucking entitled that they won't even say thank you if you are being...
  16. Charliebrawn

    Whats your gym song to get pumped.

    Let the bodies hit the floor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Charliebrawn

    Trenbolone Acetate

    Thanks Presser, I love adding MC IGF in short burst of 100mcg for 20 days. Helps with breaking plateaus. I'm also thinking of experimenting with carb cycling instead of usual low carb diet since after gaining 15 lbs I'm still fairly lean with abs. Should be interesting, tren always gets me...
  18. Charliebrawn

    Trenbolone Acetate

    I'm going to start phase 2 of my cycle for 8 weeks. Tren A, Test Prop and Masteron. I'll add Proviron in last 4 weeks. Also will be doing T3 and Clen to get to a really low level of BF. You guys think I should add anything else to it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Charliebrawn

    Forum runner isn't working with new OS update on iPhone

    Better than opening it in safari or chrome on iPhone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Charliebrawn

    Forum runner isn't working with new OS update on iPhone

    Just downloaded tapatalk. So much better! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk