chronic dry eyes from prolonged steroid use?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
anyone else suffer from red, itchy, dry eyes that's been on gear for a while? my eyes lately feel like i've been swimming without goggles and i look baked (slight red and glazed) constantly
Not that I can account my constant red/dry eyes to my prolonged use of AAS. But, in the past month or so, a lot of people have been asking me about my eyes. Do you also take Orals??
Not that I can account my constant red/dry eyes to my prolonged use of AAS. But, in the past month or so, a lot of people have been asking me about my eyes. Do you also take Orals??

yes on and off depending on how long i can withstand the heartburn...
can't say I have, but my eyes watered up reading this

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can't say I have, but my eyes watered up reading this
I've wondered about this for some time now. Can dry eyes be from using AAS? Being on HRT for almost 15 years now, I noticed that about 4-5 years ago, my eyes were getting more and more dry, so much by that point that it was getting too difficult to wear my contact lenses. My eyes are continually dry now, and I can't wear contact lenses at all. I also get the same thing, I look like I'm baked. The strange thing is that it seems to have periods where it's worse and times where it's a little better. I'm guessing if the dry eyes are caused by AAS, then the dry skin and dry mouth must also be from it, too.
I've wondered about this for some time now. Can dry eyes be from using AAS? Being on HRT for almost 15 years now, I noticed that about 4-5 years ago, my eyes were getting more and more dry, so much by that point that it was getting too difficult to wear my contact lenses. My eyes are continually dry now, and I can't wear contact lenses at all. I also get the same thing, I look like I'm baked. The strange thing is that it seems to have periods where it's worse and times where it's a little better. I'm guessing if the dry eyes are caused by AAS, then the dry skin and dry mouth must also be from it, too.

yes my psoriasis seems worse when high dosing but tanning usually help somewhat with that
Central serous retinopathy

I got diagnosed with Central serous retinopathy after I was having trouble seeing from left eye. Colour seemed darker, depth perception was off, slight blur causing face recognition a challenge from more than 20 meters and night vision was shit. This started 5 months ago after a series of stressful events in professional and personal life. The disease is classified as idiopathic meaning there is no clear known cause. But several theories based on past experience include age, stress and corticosteroid. Doctor was quick to associate it with AAS as Corticosteroid is know to cause it but I argued that they are completely different compounds. Also I had been off everything for 3-4 months at the time. Only other concern was my SARMS cycle during my PCT in feb-March which had temporarily caused night blindness but it went away. And that was 2 month before this incidence.

Only other thing I could think of was coke I did one night partying hard. But doc disregarded it completely. After 3 to 5 months of treatment and a shot in my eye, vision got 90% better. I started my current cycle and 6 weeks in no problem. Then one night not knowing the clear cause of disease I party with friends again and did a bit of coke. 2 days later bam, it's back with vengeance. Now doc is referring me to a fancier laser treatment since it's gotten lot more serious.

I've never heard AAS being the culprit of this and sure pray to god it isn't lol and at the same time coke seem to be the reason but there is no literature to prove it. Just my personal experience. Need less to say not doing that again.

Just wanted to share this in case anyone had heard of similar thing or in case it happens to anyone you may know.

I hate it when docs overrule other possibilities and jump to conclusion cause patient is on AAS. But then I am also scared as fck for my vision :(

I could use some best wishes!

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well i did have a "phase" recently but it's been several weeks and i'm hoping that "phase" was the last one ever...
The trouble is, because they made AAS schedule III, that effectively ended any studies on them, so we don't really know so much how they affect us when used long term. (Thanks a lot, BIDEN!)
The trouble is, because they made AAS schedule III, that effectively ended any studies on them, so we don't really know so much how they affect us when used long term. (Thanks a lot, BIDEN!)

Yeah. That actually screwed us on a lot of needed research on all kinds of shit!! Now, we're left to individual trial and error....
I been having problems also. What the hell is going on. lol Seems more commen then we think. My eye problems
seem to be getting better. (still dry and sensitive after getting treated for Iritis, left eye also)
You dont realize the importance of something until you have problems with it.
I been having problems also. What the hell is going on. lol Seems more commen then we think. My eye problems
seem to be getting better. (still dry and sensitive after getting treated for Iritis, left eye also)
You dont realize the importance of something until you have problems with it.

I was talking to a reference lab guru of mine about this and he mentioned something about it involving the Hypothalmus. I need to research myself though