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  1. saturn

    Valentine's Day

    Good idea but I'm in MN.....Feb 14th it will probably be about 1 degree outside. I don't think I want to go up in a hot air balloon for a few months.:D
  2. saturn

    Man Boobs.

    Unfortunatly at my work that would keep everyone out of my office except him.
  3. saturn

    I'm giving up coffie

    :( :( I'm hurt.
  4. saturn

    Let's just say....

    If I only had a dollar for lunch I would push some one smaller than me down and take his lunch.
  5. saturn

    Ya, I'm drinkin a few beers!!

    I think I may be having a couple this weekend. It's been a while but I'm having some company and think I'll join them with the drinks.
  6. saturn

    Good morning!!

    Good morning.....I'm tired. I've been at work since 4:30 this morning.
  7. saturn


    I've been reading his ideas for a while now. I'm interested in trying some of his methods. Good luck skip. Let us know how it's going.
  8. saturn

    Training on the road / in new gyms

    Re: Re: Re: Training on the road / in new gyms So are you that guy that sounds like he's reliving some kind of prison rape when he's training? I'm the quite guy that stares at you like you have some kind of mental defect.;) :D :D
  9. saturn

    Trained legs today without mirrors

    I need the morrors.....If nothing else to admire just how handsome I really am.
  10. saturn

    Whats Up Mc Board!

    Welcome to MC...
  11. saturn

    Valentine's Day

    LOL....My first thought was a new vacuum cleaner.:D
  12. saturn

    Valentine's Day

    That's kind of what I have been thinking but everyone expects sappy gifts. When I mentioned to the guy at the sporting goods store that I was shopping for a valentines gift he looked at me like I was some kind of giant retard.
  13. saturn

    whats up?

    Welcome to MC....
  14. saturn

    Valentine's Day

    Yep Valentines day is right around the corner. I usually don't have problems with gifts but this year I'm kind of confused. I know that V-day is supposed to be romantic and all but the things my wife want most right now are a new mountain bike and a new tennis racket. For Christmas I got her a...
  15. saturn


    Welcome to MC....
  16. saturn

    Getting rid of used pinz

    I do simmilar to KR except after I put the pins in the container I fill it with spray foam isulation. That stuff hardens so even if someone pulls the tape off the container and opens it nothing will come out.
  17. saturn

    good morning to saturn and crank

    Good morning.... Windy and kind of half snowing and half raining here. I have meetings all morning so I'll be checking in with you guys later.
  18. saturn

    I am addicted to....

    Man....I wish I had a little more time to make breakfast. Now I'm hungry.
  19. saturn

    Attention skip!

    Pong was very cool.....Later I got a telstar. It was triangle shaped and had a stearing wheel on one side a gun on the other and nobs for pong on the third. You could play pong, racing or duck shoot. Very cool game it was a while before atari replaced that. Man I'm getting old.:D
  20. saturn

    I am such a guy!!

    What's wrong with eating cerial out of tupperware? My wife does it even when there are bowls clean. Besides you can get like half a box of cerial into one of those big tupperware bowls. Saves on refills.