

I have spoken with DOGGCRAPP again and we have decided to work together for my offseason after my show this year in June. I have every intention of qualifying this year and I will then need to move to the top of the heavies before competing 1.5 years later. I might be able to get there on my own but I want to make damned sure I do and this guy is the man that can do it.

For those that are living in some cave in Pakistan, DOGGCRAPP is the absolute top guy out there for bulking - period. He is the master. Hell, if he wasn't I wouldn't work with him. lol
His track record is impecable as he has put large amounts of mass on seasoned veterans and newbies, alike, in relatively short periods of time. He is also one of the nicest guys you will ever run into and, as we all know, this is a scarce commodity in the bodybuilding world.

If you are not happy with the gains you are making and want to take it to the next level, this is your guy.


I've read alot of his postings on other boards and I am THOROUGHLY IMPRESSED!
You won't regret it Skip. He trained me thru on-line consultations a year ago and I added 15lbs after my first 6 wks bulking phase. I started using his methods again a few months ago after falling back into the volume b.s. I've added close to another 10 lbs and I plan to add a least 10 more before I do my first show later this year.
Whatever happened with that idea of DC, Wyldeone and yourself getting something together for training, contest prep, etc.
I agree DC works I am using his ideas for my calfs and getting the best gains I have every had.

I would think the hardest part about DC training would the mentle feeling you were not doing enough sets
I have been with Dante (doggC) sinse august and he has helped me go from 225 to 264 where I am right now. He is the best and always has time for questions no matter how many you e-mail to him .

Check out my sig, bro. I have his email addy right there.

ABK: Well, it really just didn't pan out as we all have our separate things going. After thinking about it, it really wouldn't do any of us much good to get a website or anything like that because we are all on most all of the same boards, anyway.

There are other reasons that it wouldn't work but I would rather not get into all of them.

I haven't used DC personally, but I have used his training methods (from what I've gathered on the net). His rep is ROCK SOLID.

I'd wish you good luck, Skip, but I dont' think you'll need it - just a whole lotta room for putting down protein and a whole lotta love of pain. ;^)

I've been doing some reading about DC and his training methods, it sounds great but I've got a lot more reading to do before I can put a plan into action.

If guys are adding good amounts of muscle in relatively short periods of time something is working.
I just finished my 7 week blast working with Doggcrapp, and am up 32lbs! I couldn't beleive it myself. He is the nicest guy I ave met in this sport, and he works, period.
raybravo said:
whats working so well is the eating and the low volume , more frequent training .

Yep, yep. I also get the feeling that DC is very good at tweaking things for the individual (which is really what its all about).

Just an interesting comment - just like doctors make the worst patients, it seems that gifted trainers (like Skip!) aren't always able to see what is best for themselves. Some of it is stubbornness, perhaps. Some of it just the nature of the situation - how can you be objective about you?...

It speaks volumes about Skip that he'd go with DC - that he wants to get better very badly abnd that he's very open minded about others ideas. This is exactly what I would want in someone who was going to assist me. Well done, Skip.

I've been reading his ideas for a while now. I'm interested in trying some of his methods.

Good luck skip. Let us know how it's going.
I will certainly keep you guys posted.

Randy: It was difficult to make the decision to work with someone, I have to admit. Not because I think I know everything but simply because I don't like to give up the control to someone else. Also, you have to consider that I am called on to answer questions and provide solid info with explanations of why things work the way they do for contest prep. I hesitated openly posting that I was working with someone (other than myself) as alot of guys that come to me, TREAT me like I know it all even when that is not the case. By me stating that I was willing to work with someone else, I am basically admitting that I am looking for help in the offseason to reach my goals. Admittedly, my area of expertise and focus is strictly on contest prep. I don't know the ins and outs of offseason work anywhere near as well as I do about contest prep. There, I said it. lol

However, you make a very good point and I appreciate you making it. It is just too complicated sometimes to be subjective with yourself and when you want the best results, you go with the guy with the best track record for getting those results. Like I said, I really thing I could probably get there myself but by going with Doggcrapp, it basically assures me of getting to my goals.
