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  1. saturn

    Help!!!What should I have for lunch?

    I guess I was kind of in a daze this morning because I left my cash card for my wife (ya aparently she used hers as a chew toy for the dog) and didn't realize I only have $4 in my wallet. I was in a hurry so I didn't pack anything to eat. So what the hell can I get for 4 bucks? Usually when I go...
  2. saturn

    How many BB'ers use Tabacco

    Skip you are no longer my hero.....:( So were you the one who left that spit can on my desk?:mad: :D
  3. saturn

    Some funny Sh*t!

    LOL....that is the funniest thing I've heard in a while.
  4. saturn

    Your favorite cheat meal?

    Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza.....And a strawbarry malt.
  5. saturn

    Muscle-bound action toys mislead boys

    Ok I admitt it....I do steroids because my GI made me. Not a distorted body immage but he actually talks to me and plans my cycles. That little plastic dude really knows his stuff.:D
  6. saturn

    cold gym

    Don't be suck a pussy.....I used to train at this gym that had problems withe the power going off. We has days in there during the winter when there was not heat and during the summer it would be like 100 degrees. We just opened the dock doors and kept training. I remeber on time during the...
  7. saturn

    penguin softball

    311.3 after a few tries.....That was fun as hell.
  8. saturn

    good morning

    Good morning everybody........
  9. saturn

    the great PEANUT BUTTER debate!

    I eat regular but I've been bulking for like forever. When I go back to cutting I will probably rethink that.
  10. saturn

    Winter Drivers

    I get to drive home now. It should be hell. I'm betting on a 2 hour drive with the snow we have.
  11. saturn

    What time of day?

    7:30 PM.....I wish I could get in there earlier but with my work schedule that's about the only time I have.
  12. saturn

    Winter Drivers

    It's coming down here again. We're supposed to get about 8 today. The drive in sucked but I'm sure it will be even worse going home.
  13. saturn

    why is nobody typing!

    I'm not at a loss for words but my attorney advised me to quite talking about that unfortunate incident at least until we find out if there will be charges.
  14. saturn

    deca and gyno

    I don't know much about donstinex. Bromo has been the only thing I know that will treat progesterone gyno. I would be interested in finding out more about dostinex.
  15. saturn

    How many BB'ers use Tabacco

    I used to have a dip of chew when I went fishing but other than that I stay away from all of it.
  16. saturn

    why is nobody typing!

    It is snowing and cold here. I'll thaw my fingers out and post.
  17. saturn

    Saw "The Last Samurai"...

    Did you know Tom Cruise is actually a midget? I think he's like 4 ft nothing. He makes all the other actors in his movies stand on thier knees to make him look taller.
  18. saturn

    Who let the DOGG in??

    Welcome to MC.....It's great to have you here. I've been reading about your training techniques and I'm very intrigued.
  19. saturn

    Which TesT is best?

    As long as you have to inject fina ed or eod why not prop that would be my choice.
  20. saturn

    Monday Morn fullness

    28 weeks.....Ouch. Good luck.