How many BB'ers use Tabacco

Tabacco Use

  • Chew

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Smoke

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • Both

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • None

    Votes: 17 63.0%

  • Total voters
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it's not that I haven't used, but not on a regular basis, usually just a cigar 1 or 2 times a year.
I used to have a dip of chew when I went fishing but other than that I stay away from all of it.
i just quit smoking, didnt really effect my running to much since i kept up with a mile or two aday. but my stregnth, energy and weight have all gone up since i quit...MM
Smoke cigs when I drink. I smoke a nice cigar about twice a year too. Chew, only when drinking and someone has some.
KidRok said:
it's not that I haven't used, but not on a regular basis, usually just a cigar 1 or 2 times a year.

I don't smoke but a Cigar once in a while is OK.

Perhaps I will bring a few Cubans to the Arnold. I have a friend in Munich that send me Cubans.
OK let see how I can put this:

A few years ago I trained "often" using Nubain.( I know, I know). I swithced to Clove cigarettes before I worked out. They give an interesting buzz. I dont do this too often, maybe 3 or 4 weeks out of a year now., that original buzz never came back and I pretty much gave them up.

I feel the weight of the world has now benn lifted off my shoulders, thank you for listening to my confession.
Well, I will be the first to say that I chew tobacco and chew quite a bit for quite a while now. I ain't proud of it but to be honest, I enjoy it. I chew almost a can a day of Kodiak and have done this for almost 14 years now. When I am precontest, it is my saving grace. I have some days when I get close to a show that I chew 2 cans a day.

Nasty? You bet it is. Dangerous as hell? Yup.

However, for the record, I am NOT a health freak. Any (and it isn't many) health benefits that I get from bodybuilding are accidental. I am hardly in it for the health.

I have been thinking alot about quiting lately as I have quit for a year on two occasions. However, I simply have not decided to quit yet.

Skip.. You are not alone. I chew, and have for 25 years. I also will enjoy a good cigar from time to time. Going on a cruse next month and will bring back some good Cubans. I also enjoy the mild Honduras cigars. MMMMMMM GOOOD!!!
Skip said:
Well, I will be the first to say that I chew tobacco and chew quite a bit for quite a while now. I ain't proud of it but to be honest, I enjoy it. I chew almost a can a day of Kodiak and have done this for almost 14 years now. When I am precontest, it is my saving grace. I have some days when I get close to a show that I chew 2 cans a day.

Nasty? You bet it is. Dangerous as hell? Yup.

However, for the record, I am NOT a health freak. Any (and it isn't many) health benefits that I get from bodybuilding are accidental. I am hardly in it for the health.

I have been thinking alot about quiting lately as I have quit for a year on two occasions. However, I simply have not decided to quit yet.


Skip you are no longer my hero.....:(

So were you the one who left that spit can on my desk?:mad: :D
Copenhagen, ever since the miloitary, never smoked never will..i never chew anywhere close to working out tobacco makes you lose almost 10% of your strength. i do it post workout it gives me a hell of a buzz and It helps look forward to drinking all that water sometimes its the only way I can consume 2 gallons a day.
Its a nasty habit and i have to quit i will cros that bridge when i come to it because when i quit i eat like crazy..!
When I drink, that's its (twice a month for 4-7 hrs at the club). It's a habit that I can shake but enjoy.
I used to smoke the cloves too up until a year ago. The smell really used to get people's attention at parties (esp. bitches...whoops...err ladies). It was a good conversation when they say, "What is that?" I'd reply, "It's clove try it." They would say, "I don't smoke." then reply "Well just put your lips on it dont inhale it's really sweet." Next thing it's so who do you know here or where are you from type questions and act like you're interested in her past, and not her twat.

I can remember Djarum Specials, Black and Splash along with Sampoerna's. I'm glad I quit though I can breath much better now and I don't cough up pieces of phlegm all the time.

So is that what TEAMSKIP promotes? 2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight, 4 grams of carbs per lb of bodyweight and at least 2 cans of Kodiac a day...oh yeah and some other supplements too...j/K!!
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