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  1. Plang

    igf pump mechanism

    Insulin is kind of a poor mans for the same reasons wr take igf-1 it's milos sarcevs old protocol...when wolf and hide were working with him doing those giant set workouts theybwoul use gh/slin pre and again halfway thru combined with large amounts of bcaas, eaas, creatine...
  2. Plang

    Road to 260

    Thanks man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Plang

    Road to 260

    27...forgot to mention it...starting to feel old...ha ha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Plang

    Road to 260

    I don't usually need cardio to stay lean...but I keep promising myself I will just so I can push harder on legs...i was a middle distance runner in high school so cardio is actually easy for me...I just never seem to make time for it unless dieting...but last time I was over 240 going up stairs...
  5. Plang

    Road to 260

    11/9 diet 10 peices turkey bacon 1 cup oats 1.5 tbsp peanut butter 650 cals 9 oz ground sirloin 1 cup oats 1 tbsp pb 2 cups blueberries 1100 cals 12 oz turkey 2 cups jasmine rice 1 apple w sf cool whip 900 cals 10 peices turkey bacon 2 cups jasmine rice 1 apple 600 cals Big 100 protein bar...
  6. Plang

    Jason artnz's cycle to turn pro

    It's really not that crazy..besides the nubain....but I know some guys who pop 4 or 5 vicodin a day plus adderall or ritalin just to get thru it.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Plang

    Jason artnz's cycle to turn pro

    Got it from another forum...supposedly this guy knew him well....unfortunately he wrote in a hard to read format....but without further ado: This is the actual pre-contest cycle Jason Arntz used to win the Nationals heavyweight & overall in 1998, thus earning him his pro card. Keep in mind that...
  8. Plang

    Jason Arntz trains legs

    Anyone ever see his supposed cycle to turn pro...nubain and all??? I will see if I can dig it up...he's always in shape....freaky shoulders Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Plang

    Road to 260

    11/9 Tris/hams I have a bit of tendonitits in mynleft tricep which i keep in check using scheik neoprene elbow sleeves...but any sort of skull crusher variation kills my elbow for even though I need to improve it I have tonwork around it a bit.... V bar extensions Stack x 10 Stack x...
  10. Plang

    Road to 260

    Thanks the dude and motivates me a lot more than u may age 18 I weighed 135lbs at 5'11(I was taller than, shrunk half an inch ha ha)....I didnt think I'd ever even compete honestly... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Plang

    Road to 260

    A frozen mix of pineapple, mangos and strawberries. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Plang

    igf pump mechanism

    5ius...sometimes I use them both...right now not Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Plang

    Doing first contest in 21 yrs! Need advice

    I think you should keep at least one red meat meal in per day when dieting...looking back at my last contest notes when I cut red meat I lose size and strength.....I'd keep bread at a minimum...really anything wheat or gluten i would keep to a minimum especially if ur having distension...
  14. Plang

    Contest em up.

    I'm all for no bouncing....since I lift for look rather than powerlifting I always use double overhand with straps...without straps I'd top out at 15 or so Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Plang


    How long have been off? Nolvadex shouldn't give u a rebound... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Plang

    HGH, morning or night or other?

    U don't grow when your awake? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Plang

    Contest em up.

    Haven't deadlifted in a few months off the floor...but I'm gonna throw out there after a week or two of getting on the groove I could knock out 20-30 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Plang

    Contest em up.

    Who can deadlift 315 the most times without letting go of the bouncing etc Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Plang

    Swiftpax Oils

    Especially how it's transfered I would always filter it with a .22 um filter...takes 10-15 minutes but no sore injects and a lot less scar tissue Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Plang

    Road to 260

    Started last week...... 900mgs test cyp/enan 360mgs tren enan 300mgs masteron enan(proviron sub) 100mcg ghrp6/100mcg mod grf 3x a day 100mcgs igf-1 lr3 300mcgs peg mgf (aminooutpost hooked me up with 8mgs...really like it with the igf-1) In 2 weeks I will add humalog pre wo. Than I will add...