Search results

  1. Plang

    Superted is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench

    I'm in the same boat as u....bad shoulder and no skull crushers...I can do bodyweight dips if I lean forward almost making it like a push up (YouTube branch Warren Doing dips)....close grip bench going down only 3/4 the way (lower is just chest anyways) and pre exhausting Ur tris before going to...
  2. Plang

    Offseason Log

    Curious to ur strength progress as we are fairly close in strength (well I'll be there in a week or two) keep it up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Plang

    Road to 260

    11/17 60g whey 2 cups fruit 1 wrap bread 1 tbsp pb 700 cals 8oz sirloin 10 peices turkey Bacon 2 apples 2.5 tbsp pb 1000cals 8 oz turkey 2 cups fruit 600cals 2 scoops anarchy 40 cals Sirloin/veggies/terriayki sauce 15 peices of California roll sushi 1500 cals 2 apples 2 tbsp pb 8 sugar...
  4. Plang

    Using a towel in the gym

    It's why I wear a beanie....not because I'm trying to be a thug (or is it gangsta?) it keeps me from sweating on everything or getting my head on someones sweat...I have 2 I wear and wash each 2x a week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Plang

    Slowly breaking in to my contest prep phase

    Log with pics for sure Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Plang

    Insulin cycle duration

    It really depends on your fasting blood sugar...but if taking gh long term your insulin resistance will rise regardless...especially bber doses Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Plang

    Old Vick vs. New Vick

    Why it still bothers me i don't know...I'm no better than anyone else...judge lest ye be judged...I'm not so stuck in my beliefs I'm not willing to take a second look at something or soften my stance Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Plang

    check this guy out

    By refusing his pro card and remaining an amateur his country pays for him basically to be a bodybuilder and represent his country...he turns pro he's guarnteed nothing. They even supply gear in a lot of places Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Plang

    Old Vick vs. New Vick

    Our Crimes were different...a lot different...nonetheless....I understand what ur saying...i respect ur opinion...I just don't agree Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Plang

    Old Vick vs. New Vick

    Didn't say I was...i'm not gonna get into a debate about animal rights...or wether or not he's a good person...I wish him no I'll will....just because my values and beliefs do not match up with urs I'm not sure how that makes me arrogant....a child molester never gets to rid themselves of that...
  11. Plang

    Road to 260

    Ur right....i just never really envisioned what I'd kook like at 270....what's 10lbs anyway? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Plang

    Did squats really low today

    Majority of healthy people can go parralell...some ATG...but some peoples bodies just aren't Made to squat super deep Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Plang

    Road to 260

    Me at 270 would be...I don't think i could hold 270 on my frame..... 11/16 12 peices turkey bacon 2 100% whole wheat bagels 720 cals 8oz sirloin steak 2 cups fruit 5 sugar free reece's cups 800 cals 8oz sirloin steak 5 pita breads 1 cup fruit w/sf cool whip 900 cals 1/2 scoop anarchy...
  14. Plang

    Road to 260

    270 at 5'7???? That's a shit ton of muscle...I use the 10lb per inch rule when figuring out Height/weight u at 270 is like me at 305! U got plenty of time...i don't think not having enough muscle will be an issue Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Sent from my iPhone using...
  15. Plang

    Road to 260's been getting better for me....a local supplement store is going to give me $150 bucks a month in supps innexchange for wearing their t-shirts when i workout at the local may just be peanuts compared to a lot of guys but it makes the sacrifices lately more legit....I feel...
  16. Plang

    wicked recovery and growth stack

    Yeah...although I'm bringing a knife To a gunfight when it comes to arguing science Im smart enough to know when someone is wrong on certain things....he just can't seem to admit it...i shouldn't waste my time but i can't help myself.... Enough of that...looking forward to watching ur...
  17. Plang

    wicked recovery and growth stack

    Pretty much how I'm doing things.....pretty good considering we are both doing it all wrong (according to 123 at PM)....I think he just knows enough to sound like he knows what he is talking about (123) but he tries to talk in a circle when someone makes a's obvious both our...
  18. Plang

    check this guy out

    Staying an amateur has it's benefits in the middle east Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Plang

    Old Vick vs. New Vick

    Amazing athlete in pro sports...but he's a peice of shit for a human being...anyone who can beat dogs, electrocute them...that's not a one time slip up...he only stopped because he got caught...and of course he's remorseful...he spent time in jail and lost millions.... I'm a big...
  20. Plang

    Offseason Log

    What are ur stats? Interesting split...I never could combine chest and back together and feel the mind-muscle very well....but from a strength aspect it makes sense..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk