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  1. Plang

    Road to 260

    Anarchy is by's their 1MR/Jack3d type pre workout jazzes me up pretty good and I get a good pump Recellerator is by betancourt nutrition it's an intra/pwo type product.....bcaas, creatine(s), whey, waximaize...etc....I just happened upon a ton of free sample of it Sent...
  2. Plang

    Road to 260

    11/15 diet 10 peices turkey bacon 1 cup oats 1.5 tbsp pb (smuckers natty honey) 650 cals 12 oz sirloin steak 2 cups blueberries w/sf cool whip 1 pita wrap 1 tbsp pb 1160 cals 8 lean turkey sausage links 1 whole wheat bagel 1 cup blueberries w/ sf cool whip 1000 cals Anarchy covalex...
  3. Plang

    Road to 260

    The overall? That's awesome...when is the southern states? That's a big tough show...270 at 5'9...cripes...u do any cardio right now? That's gotta be rough to move around at that weight...Which isn't a bad problem For bodybuilding Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Plang

    IGF and injuries

    I became a beleiver with igf last year...I partially tore my sartorius and gave igf a shot and 3 weeks later I was squatting gives me no problems to this day...I injected a mg in a week directly into the Injured area Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Plang

    Road to 260

    I feel ya man....everyone I know raves about mc's igf....can't ignore that type of feedback....i'm not 100% sure yet...I wanted something late in the year to give myself time o get to 260 and to hold it for a while....I was thinking maybe a Cali show....Texas bodybuilders don't always always do...
  6. Plang

    Road to 260

    I've used them quite extensively...i beleive I even mentioned them earlier in a post... just don't know about the rules since they aren't a sponsor...on another forum I post I will have their banner in my signature...but I don't think I have to promote them...i always recomended then before I...
  7. Plang

    d-bol 0r a-drol?

    I'm a fan of anadrol myself Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Plang

    Road to 260

    I'm pretty psyched just found out one of the more popular peptide companies is going to sponsor me for my next show....and In the mean time everything else is basically cost.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Plang

    Going to throw in some Anadrol

    Tbol seems to be all the rage on some UK forums....but in the US everyone thinks it sucks... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Plang

    HGH, morning or night or other?

    Dat had a thread on his forum that came to te conclusion that 1-6 or 7ius actually sensitizes gh receptors....but more than that is counter productive.....u better off dosing more often than larger amounts Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Plang

    Best gear and/or pro hormone that doesn't cause hair loss???

    I shave my head but My hairline has been receding since I was 20....every now and than if i get lazy over the weekend it grows out a bit and i can see where my hairline went from receding to balding after a contest i did in April....masteron, tren, test and than made a...
  12. Plang

    Going to throw in some Anadrol

    I think with drol and dbol most people respond real well to one and get bad sides with the other....dbol gives me a headche and makes my nipples itch....with drol i feel strong as an ox and full 24/7...not watery.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Plang

    Road to 260

    Quad pics from walmart ha ha Weight 225 Appetite wasn't quite there this weekend...I have some allergy crap/congestion going on and phlegm in your throat makes everythig sound I don't want to make things any worse nasally so Mary Jane and I didn't hang out like...
  14. Plang

    Pre Workout Insulin. Post Workout Insulin with IGF-1

    I'd use 2ius to start and a max of 6 or 7....but don't be in a hurry to get there...getbas much out of each dose as u can....even 2ius will make a nice increase in recovery..... I'd wait 20 minutes than admin insulin.... Sounds solid on ur dosing shceme Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Plang

    Pre workout insulin

    I'd use 2ius to start and a max of 6 or 7....but don't be in a hurry to get there...getbas much out of each dose as u can....even 2ius will make a nice increase in recovery..... I'd wait 20 minutes than admin insulin.... Sounds solid on ur dosing shceme Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Plang

    Road to 260

    Honestly because I like how it tastes...ha ha.....and i think the hole fast/slow protein thing is right now I'm eating plenty of protein and a pre/during my mind I don't think having a casein shake vs whey is going to be a 10lbs of lbm difference in the long run...
  17. Plang

    Pre Workout Insulin. Post Workout Insulin with IGF-1

    As long as ur keeping gh levels high I day go for a side note u may want to switch between 6 and 2 periodically....I can't remebe the exact reasoning from Dat....but he suggested it with long term use....ghrp6 is awesome for appetite purposes and most say helps with sleep better than...
  18. Plang

    Pre workout insulin

    As long as ur keeping gh levels high I day go for a side note u may want to switch between 6 and 2 periodically....I can't remebe the exact reasoning from Dat....but he suggested it with long term use....ghrp6 is awesome for appetite purposes and most say helps with sleep better than...
  19. Plang

    Pre Workout Insulin. Post Workout Insulin with IGF-1

    Sorry guys...this isn't my post....but i agree with the majority of it....I Beleive at the end it has te author....mutant Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Plang

    Pre workout insulin

    Sorry guys...this isn't my post....but i agree with the majority of it....I Beleive at the end it has te author....mutant Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk