Best gear and/or pro hormone that doesn't cause hair loss???


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I thought primobolan was the answer, until further gathering info... looks as though it does speed up male pattern baldness in some individuals...

Anything out there?
I thought primobolan was the answer, until further gathering info... looks as though it does speed up male pattern baldness in some individuals...

Anything out there?
Ever used a DHT blocker with test?

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yeah if i were you, i would try what plang mentioned. other than that, it seems like people can have problems with just about every compound out there; especially noteworthy are: tren, mast, anavar, primo, and winstrol.

I have heard that deca can be fairly mild on the hairline, but I am really not well versed in this area because I don't really suffer any of these effects.
I shave my head but My hairline has been receding since I was 20....every now and than if i get lazy over the weekend it grows out a bit and i can see where my hairline went from receding to balding after a contest i did in April....masteron, tren, test and than made a big difference in a short time period

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I have finasteride I use and this forum I was on swears hair will grow using the "Big 3"
Ever used a DHT blocker with test?

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Yeah, I use 2.5 mg propecia EOD, 2% nizoral shampoo 3 times a week, rogaine foam, biotin... don't see any point in taking saw palmetto with the propecia
this is somewhat of a misleading question.......gear in itself won't cause's genetics that determines it......i've used so much gear over the last couple years that one would expect me to be bald by now.....genetically the men in my family don't start losing their hair till their 60's......i've got some really thick hair if i don't keep it cut short
Winny is the worst for me. I literally see hair fall out when I brush it on that stuff. Good luck bro. Its all genetics and if you are gonna lose it no matter what you do eventually its going to happen anyway.
this is somewhat of a misleading question.......gear in itself won't cause's genetics that determines it......i've used so much gear over the last couple years that one would expect me to be bald by now.....genetically the men in my family don't start losing their hair till their 60's......i've got some really thick hair if i don't keep it cut short

Yeah, My genetics are weird. I have cucumbers on both sides of my family and yet I still have a full head of hair at 40. I am the only man in my family with hair at 40 and have used just about every compound out there. My wife, who is a hair dresser, says my hair is actually getting thicker lately.

I would agree that genetics determines hair loss the most. Gear just happens to speed it up for those who are going to lose it depending on which one you use. Though I've lost a lot of mine now, I still count myself lucky in that I kept my hair longer than my older and younger brothers. They both lost their hair in their 20s.
its not hair loss on the head that worrys me, its the hair growing everywhere else like crazy.