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  1. Plang

    GH and IGF

    Igf helps offset some on the insulin insensitivity caused by gh...and as presser said they work quite well together....throw in some insulin... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Plang

    Putting peps/mgf/igf in ur tendons

    Yup...that's the jist of it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Plang

    Please help. MC IGF dose

    I'd say keep going than Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Plang

    Would you be seen with your wife?

    As men...we see you asking "why" as disagreeing or saying that we are wrong.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Plang

    Road to 260

    BP is pretty good....I actually rinse the turkey bacon in a Colander halfway through cooking and cut the sodium at least in I get the low sodium kind that has 80mgs a slice Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Plang

    Pre Workout Insulin. Post Workout Insulin with IGF-1

    Ignore the cpwo (carbless pwo) for now....that's another topic (it's carbless with low insulin use to increase insulin snsitivity) Insulin before workout I read near the end of the CPWO thread about using insulin prior to working out and have been doing some reading and a particular protocol...
  7. Plang

    Pre workout insulin

    Ignore the cpwo (carbless pwo) for now....that's another topic (it's carbless with low insulin use to increase insulin snsitivity) Insulin before workout I read near the end of the CPWO thread about using insulin prior to working out and have been doing some reading and a particular protocol...
  8. Plang

    Putting peps/mgf/igf in ur tendons

    Two studies....dealing with muscle....Long read if your bored Ghrelin and Des-Acyl Ghrelin Promote Differentiation and Fusion of C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells, Nicoletta Filigheddu, Molecular Biology of the Cell Vol. 18, 986–994, March 200 DISCUSSION [This is a very good description of the...
  9. Plang

    Please help. MC IGF dose

    I think the receptor saturation is overrated...but I do think combatting the inhibitory affect on gh release induced by igf-1 should be addressed with long term use (longer than 6-8 weeks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Plang

    Road to 260

    Double post
  11. Plang

    Road to 260

    11/12 Weight 225 I'm up about 12 lbs...a good 5 of it's water from an OTC designer's a combo of epistane and max lmg...definitely makes me hold water...but until I put a bit more fat on I don't mind the water...I like a few of the OTC designers (epistane, superdrol)...I'm going to...
  12. Plang

    Putting peps/mgf/igf in ur tendons

    I bookmarked the studies..I'll post em later tonight Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Plang

    On way to do Chest tonight!

    He was a beast....Ronnie, Brian dobson and mark used to train together early in Ronnie's career...if you watched mark train...u know where Ronnie and branch got their "form" from He looks like palumbo in the face in that pic Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Plang

    On way to do Chest tonight!

    I'll get my vics inhlaer ready........ On a side note...don't know if u guys ever heard of mark hanlon??? Branch warrens original trainer (the one that put him through that nuts workout muscletech used to run in it's ads back in the day)....him and a friend (of mine) went in 50/50 on a 1k...
  15. Plang

    Please help. MC IGF dose

    R u using anything else? I think If one is using gh or ghrp/cjc (Which is peanuts a month) u can run igf for a Long time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Plang

    Putting peps/mgf/igf in ur tendons

    I've always noticed the muscle I put the ghrp/cjc stays fuller...and dat has theorized there may be some local affect with tissue repair...I'll see if I can find the releveant study..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Plang

    HGH - ED vs. EOD ? what is better ?

    I know some are skeptical about peptides but it's an amaInfly cheap could alt gh/pep days.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Plang

    Would you be seen with your wife?

    Sometimes I slap her ass in the gym....that's about it.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Plang

    Road to 260

    Just as a side note...I'm not as mentally challenged as my posts may make me out to be (grammtical and proper sentence structure).....I'm just too lazy to go back and correct it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Plang

    Putting peps/mgf/igf in ur tendons

    My left elbow has been giving me issues for sometime now...i have use igf sucesfully before to heal a slighlty torn sartorius (I was squatting 315 in two weeks post tear), and even when I twisted my knee I put a few sub q igf and mgf shots in the knee area...healed very loss of...