Would you be seen with your wife?

I actually train with my girl and I love it. She's stronger than a lot of guys in the gym and we really see eye to eye. I have the best workouts with her. Hard to explain I guess. She has as much desire to improve as I do which is a rare thing.
I actually train with my girl and I love it. She's stronger than a lot of guys in the gym and we really see eye to eye. I have the best workouts with her. Hard to explain I guess. She has as much desire to improve as I do which is a rare thing.

I guess if she's serious about it then it would be different, I've personally never found a girl who was as serious as I am so maybe that's why I would never want to train with a gf or wife.
I'd love it if my wife would even step foot in a gym, i've even paid the joining fees for 6 months and she went all of 2 times. She hates it, which really depresses me as that means she totally doesnt get my way of life at all.

I guess its because i wasnt a bodybuilder when she first met me. I have kind of an addictive personality, when we met i was a bit, okay a lot, of an amphetamine junkie. She wasnt down with that AT ALL which is fair enough really as her family had a lot of issues with another daughter and a coke habbit.

We got together and i kicked it straight away, but i had to have something to replace it, i chose getting massive at the gym. Ironically this has ended up being more of an obsession than my habbit was.

Anyway, if my wife would train with me, and was as focused as me (even just to get fit) i would love it!
Sometimes I slap her ass in the gym....that's about it....

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I know Jessica from working with her at Optimum a little bit...We did a photo shoot together, and worked botths together..she is pretty down to earth for the most part...She has a big heart....and loves helping out people...Peter, I never really meet...but I heard that he was pretty jelous person, and that he was part of the Optimum team for awhile but he got jelous of guys shooting with jessica for the catloge...so they fired him, and kept jessica....(thats what I heard, anyway)

as for traininig with my wife...I do it all the time...She can hang pretty well to...
me and steph have worked out together before.... its not that bad (as long as the other person is a serious as you are)

only time it wasnt was when she d disaagree with me on an exercise
I've never had an overweight gf, but I've also never had one interested in going to the gym either. They stay small, but never go to a gym which is beyond me.
That workout was lame. He only touched one free weight excercise. Man that guy just loves machines huh. Even with the help of the smith bar his sqauts were lame for someone his size. I guess he's nothing but beach muscle.
I love training with my wife, my wife likes the free weights as much as I do so she is a great partner working out, I guess You have to find the right one to understand as I know most girls do cardio and dont step into the weight room with the guys,
me and steph have worked out together before.... its not that bad (as long as the other person is a serious as you are)

only time it wasnt was when she d disaagree with me on an exercise

Disagree what? I'm always open to doing things your way... I'm just used to doing things my way, so sometimes I ask WHY you're doing something so I can understand the logic behind it. I've adopted alot of what you taught me into my current shoulder routine, so... :p

Jon doesn't like my gym and his gym doesn't have tv's on the cardio equipment (hey, what can I say? I'm a little spoiled!), so we don't train together all too often. I would love to do it more, but I don't think he feels the same. :(
Disagree what? I'm always open to doing things your way... I'm just used to doing things my way, so sometimes I ask WHY you're doing something so I can understand the logic behind it. I've adopted alot of what you taught me into my current shoulder routine, so... :p

Jon doesn't like my gym and his gym doesn't have tv's on the cardio equipment (hey, what can I say? I'm a little spoiled!), so we don't train together all too often. I would love to do it more, but I don't think he feels the same. :(

As men...we see you asking "why" as disagreeing or saying that we are wrong....

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Disagree what? I'm always open to doing things your way... I'm just used to doing things my way, so sometimes I ask WHY you're doing something so I can understand the logic behind it. I've adopted alot of what you taught me into my current shoulder routine, so... :p

Jon doesn't like my gym and his gym doesn't have tv's on the cardio equipment (hey, what can I say? I'm a little spoiled!), so we don't train together all too often. I would love to do it more, but I don't think he feels the same. :(

Diesel Gym is the mecca of bodybuilding, so what if we dont have tv's on the cardio equip, we have dracula rockin a santa costume, what other gym do you know has that??!!

We do have the big screen though and your jons gf so who cares if someone else is watching the tv, put on what you want
My wife is into Yoga so I don't have to worry about this. I've gonna to Yoga with her but I get distracted with all that tight booty all around me. Don't laugh....Yoga is hard as hell , if you do it right.
Besides , I aint getting any younger and it keeps me loose.
I just recently started training with mine.It took some getting use to seeings it is more of a meat market in her gym.I am use to a hardcore atmosphere with hard rock playing versuses top 40 music and zumba classes
I just recently started training with mine.It took some getting use to seeings it is more of a meat market in her gym.I am use to a hardcore atmosphere with hard rock playing versuses top 40 music and zumba classes

I use to belong to a meat market gym, I met my wife there,lol, we both workout at a serious gym now though but i feel ya about the meat market thing,
I love training with my wife, my wife likes the free weights as much as I do so she is a great partner working out, I guess You have to find the right one to understand as I know most girls do cardio and don't step into the weight room with the guys,

x 2

I'd rather train with my wife than anyone else. I suppose if I married an ugly cow I'd want to avoid most public scenes, especially a gym, but fortunately I don't have that problem.