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  1. kdog

    Pics 1 Week Out Atlantic States 3 Weeks Out Junior Nationals

    Color looks GREAT! Very ripped. How do you cut water the last week? Are you going to toy with your sodium? Just wondering as this is my favorite thing to mess with come show time...Good luck bro...
  2. kdog

    couple ab pics...

    Pretty nice shape! A couple of years of muscle maturity and you'll be way ahead of alot of people...
  3. kdog

    what is your favorite (healthy) meal?

    Lean filet minon (Did I spell that right???)
  4. kdog

    IGF location

    I am definately leaning out as well and have been on for ~12 days. Getting ready to take 2 weeks off then go again.
  5. kdog

    4 Weeks Outs Pics I Took The Lehigh Valley

    Back looks fantastic. Keep up the pics man, be interested to note your progress...
  6. kdog

    help me get this straight

    Shouldn't have to add anything else to it. I only add BW to increase the injection volume and to ensure that all the good are delivered.
  7. kdog

    post cycle pics

    10w cycle 4iu Hgh mon-fri w1-8 30mg dbol daily w1-6 t200(crap) 200mg twice a week w1-10 eq 200mg once a week w1-10 I would also add a little to my deca due to pain deca 200mg once a week w1-10 slin 8units on training days Pretty clean. Very few sides. Picked up ALOT of water with the dbol. 27...
  8. kdog

    Baseball Post Season (2 of 2)

  9. kdog


    Yeah, bigger, pretty good quality...
  10. kdog

    post cycle pics

    Fellas, here are some post cycle pics. I am in despirate need of a tan and a diet, but what can I say, I was bulking hard. Went from 200# to 235# in 10 weeks. Now on nolva and IGF. Will post some more pics as I lean out. Still have one pic I am playing with the size on, hopefully up later...
  11. kdog

    Platinum Labs?

    Never bro, sorry
  12. kdog

    ANOTHER creatine question

    Fly's are good. Make sure you REALLY stretch on the way down. Slow and controlled. Also, you can isolate your chest more by widening your grip on the bar for flat and incline bench. One final tip is one based on illusion. You can look at shitload wider if you can get your delts to grow...
  13. kdog

    IGF location

    Bump I had the same question. I am using the Mc stuff. Just injected to tics into left bicep. Stings, but rubbed it away. Doesn't seem like very much. Will start twice daily injections tomorrow...
  14. kdog

    posted over at intensemuscle and ProMuscle (long but good)

    Building Results From Research by John M. Berardi Writer and scientist John Berardi has established quite a following here at Testosterone. He’s intelligent, innovative, and talented, not to mention darn purty, if you’re into that kind of thing. He also seems to know a thing or two about...
  15. kdog

    IGF location

  16. kdog

    IGF location

    Want to get started with my IGF tonight. What size pin do you guys use for biceps? 1/2" or 5/8"???? Do you inject directly into the muscle or do I need to split the shot between the two muscles?? I am going to shoot 20IU twice a day. AM left arm PM right arm ~12hr apart....
  17. kdog

    Recovery periods

    Only work arms and calves more than once a week...Pretty good results. Everything else is sore until the next week anyway...
  18. kdog


    If you want to stay lean, look at a short acting test ester, some tren, winnie and GH. Expensive, but GOOD!!!!
  19. kdog

    Pics 5 Weeks Out Junior Nationals

    Holy S$#% those cuts are coming in!!! Whats your weight class bro? Posing is good as well. Keep us posted....
  20. kdog

    Bill the Butcher?

    I think his best work came in the general discussion board. Never could guess what he was going to post next....