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  1. C

    HGH Stack?? you like?

    Also, weeks 19-30 I'll be doing a light AS cycle along with the GH: Test Prop (human grade amps) at 50 mg/day weeks 1-10 Anavar at 50 mg/day weeks 1-8 Winstrol at 30 mg/day weeks 9-12 This is all theory though, it'll probably change a lot.
  2. C

    HGH Stack?? you like?

    I'm going to do: GH at 4 iu/day 5 on, 2 off weeks 1-8 GH at 3 iu/day 5 on 2 off weeks 9-18 GH at 2 iu/day 5 on 2 off weeks 19-30 Slin at 5-10 iu/day weeks 1-4. 9-12, 17-20, 25-28 in a 4 on 3 off pattern most likely. T3 at 12.5 mcg/day weeks 1-4, 9-12, 17-20, 25-28 I'll take the GH in 2 shots...
  3. C

    anyone successfully suspend prop?

    I've made 150 mg/ml before, but that's rather high on the BA side. I've suspended 5 grams before in only 3-4% BA with no trouble. Prop is fairly easy to suspend.
  4. C

    GNC to require IDs for ephedra purchases

    they've been carding me at kroger and walmart for a while now.
  5. C

    HGH Stack?? you like?

    From what i've read, GH works better in spikes throughout the day, since that is how endogeneous GH is released.
  6. C

    HGH Stack?? you like?

    winny is 9 hours, and fina is over 24 hours i'm pretty sure. 9 hour halflife is enough to suppress the HPTA, except anavar of course.
  7. C

    HGH Stack?? you like?

    I'm looking for recovery, and i'm afraid of the long halflifes of Fina and Winny.
  8. C

    protien in middle of night

    I always have some isopure and water mixed up in the fridge. That way when i wake up to piss, i'll throw it down.
  9. C

    What happend To Fitness Board?

    i don't know what you mean, it works fine.........
  10. C

    What happend To Fitness Board?

    too many newbies.
  11. C

    What is everyone doing for turkey day?

    Definately a cheat day for me ;)
  12. C

    anyone use liq Femara instead of liquidex?

    i use femera tabs. i like it better than liquidex, but i don't know if it's worth the higher price...
  13. C

    I'm excited. Get cinemax!

    i'll be taping it....
  14. C

    HGH Stack?? you like?

    Ok, i've read the majority of Iron Master's posts as well as Cycleon's, and numerous studies/textbooks on HGH/T3 This is the current plan, tell me if i have it right, or what i need to change. HGH Serostim GH - 3 iu/day, 7 days a week for 24 weeks 1 iu at 8 AM 1 iu at 12 PM 1 iu at 3 PM...
  15. C

    Is this ok to do with a vial

    if it's a normal vial that has a rubber top that you pierce with a needle. It will stay sterile if you do that.
  16. C


    30 mg/day of winny and 20 mg/day of anavar together would be fine. I misread and thought he was going to do higher doses of them. My bad.
  17. C


    Damn Man, eat some carbs already :D